Student loans are very common, yes. The Norwegian system is pretty good though, in my opinion. Lånekassen translates to 'The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund', and has been around since 1947. They ensure that everyone, regardless of background, can afford higher education
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Gratulerer med karakterene! Jeg er bare glad jeg sto XD Men det er fryktelig irriterende at nå som vi har fått karakterene så er det for sent å meldte seg opp i noen fag..bare fordi de ikke har ledige plasser lengre.
Jeg meldte meg opp uten å ha resultatene. Det gikk fint, men hadde ingen offisiell plass før resultatene var på plass. Var det noe du ikke kom inn på fordi du måtte vente så lenge? :O
For noen uker siden prøvde jeg å meldte meg opp til Accents of English in the British Isles,men fikk bare beskjed om at jeg ikke hadde tatt Intonasjonsdelen og kunne derfor ikke melde meg på. Med en gang jeg fikk svar på eksamen gikk jeg inn for å søke,,det var fullt.
I'll graduate with a BA in 'Language'. .... which is very broad and weird, I know. And no, I have no idea what I'll actually use it for xD Would be fun to get to work with translation or something, though :x
Thank you! Meeeeeh it could have been way worse xD! I'm staying neutral to it now... but wait until I have the repayment plan in my hands... T_T; I fear I might have a breakdown. We'll see 8]b
Comments 22
But congratulations on your grades! I'm always happy to pass, who needs an A anyway XD.
Jeg meldte meg opp uten å ha resultatene. Det gikk fint, men hadde ingen offisiell plass før resultatene var på plass. Var det noe du ikke kom inn på fordi du måtte vente så lenge? :O
I've always been very content with hiding in the average, though I knew i could have done better. Didn't want to. *lol*
Say, with what kind of degree in what area will you graduate and what/where will that get you in regards of future professions?
I'll graduate with a BA in 'Language'. .... which is very broad and weird, I know. And no, I have no idea what I'll actually use it for xD Would be fun to get to work with translation or something, though :x
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