Jul 26, 2004 20:10
I passed the state licensing exam this morning, so I am now officially an insurance producer (agent) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It was the final hurdle I needed to surmount to ensure my position at MetLife (licensing must be effected within the first ninety days of employment, or you're out). It is certainly a relief to get this piece of it out of the way - now on with my career.
Of course, I'm sure David would be looking somewhat askance at me, since I used to rail constantly against insurance companies (especially those that provide health insurance), prattling on angrily about how it seems wrong to leave such important decisions to a motley crew who are always going to be interested in the bottom line and nothing more, and yet here I am, now employed by one of the biggies. This new job would seem to signal the start of a new life, a chance to reinvent myself from the ground up. And yet the shadow appears to have been cast, inexorably and with a grim permanence, an unalterable scorch mark. I am where I am because of the choices I have made in my life, and yet… my arrival to this day seems filled with aleatoric twists that left me without a sense of "choice" at all. Becoming something new would take too much effort. It makes me sleepy even to consider it.