
Jan 30, 2011 14:19

Who: Emily, Open
What: Arrival
When: Day 49, late afternoon
Where: Main Street

She had seen some dedicated unsubs during her time with the BAU but this was a whole new level of crazy. )

derek morgan, emily prentiss, [day 49], debra morgan

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derek_morgan January 30 2011, 23:31:54 UTC
He was expecting to find a taller than average, dark haired, familiar female face, but Derek sure as hell wasn't expecting it to be Emily Prentiss. What was in actuality only a week's time felt like an eternity, even with Reid there. It had only been a couple of days that the genius had arrived on scene to Morgan's knowledge. Was all the BAU getting sucked into oblivion? It was getting more and more difficult to consider this all just a bad dream ( ... )


emily_prentiss January 31 2011, 05:25:07 UTC
Emily, standing hands on hips, was trying to decide what exactly what she was supposed to be doing when she heard the voice from behind. It startled her a little but there was no mistaking just who it belonged to.

She turned, her expression the definition of confusion and disbelief. "Morgan?" And then her eyes widened as she got a good look at him, her confusion momentarily replaced by a look of sheer amusement. "Look at you!" She grinned, giving him a once-over in his Andy Griffith garb. "Wish I'd known this was a costume party."

She chuckled then, shaking her head at the outfit, feeling relatively certain he wouldn't take her teasing too seriously. He had been on the receiving end of it often enough. And vice versa. And it was nice to take a break from pondering this bizarre situation and have a laugh. Even if half her mind was wondering what on earth Morgan was doing there at all.

"Where on earth did you find that thing?"


derek_morgan February 1 2011, 03:07:06 UTC
"Oh it's definitely you. All the compliments I got on this thing today and you wanna crack jokes." His tone was dry and scolding while his face was anything but. Derek grinned from ear to ear and hugged Emily while protesting. The moment was bittersweet. He had fought with himself all this time about what Peaksville really was and there was no mistaking the scent and sound of Emily Prentiss ( ... )


emily_prentiss February 2 2011, 04:20:23 UTC
"Compliments? From who, Aunt Bee?" she asked, grinning. The hug came as a bit of a surprise but she didn't dwell on it too much, simply returning the friendly gesture in turn.

Her grin faded right along with his though, replaced by a slightly bewildered expression. 'We' got relocated? Seventeen days? She gave her head a shake ( ... )


derek_morgan February 3 2011, 04:16:39 UTC
Three days? It was bad enough that the seventeen felt like an eternity, but THREE days?! The discrepancy infuriated him. Derek didn't know how to wake from this nightmare. Nothing made sense. That was the way dreams went yet he couldn't shake the feeling anymore that this all wasn't a dream. And that was some scary shit ( ... )


emily_prentiss February 4 2011, 00:43:34 UTC
She had said the wrong thing, that much was clear. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do by way of damage control, and even if there were she wasn't sure it would have been the right thing to do. Sugarcoating and kid gloves wouldn't get her very far with him ( ... )


derek_morgan February 6 2011, 06:43:34 UTC
His folded arms tightened randomly when she gave her answer. It could have possibly been a physical form of 'I told you so'. His face didn't soften any, however, Derek didn't move from her touch. He didn't know where to start. In fact, he didn't want to 'start' at all ( ... )


emily_prentiss February 8 2011, 23:52:33 UTC
She listened with obvious interest, her brows arching at a few key details--mention of Captain Kirk for instance, but he couldn't be serious about that...Could he? And then there was the wedding band that clung to his finger. She didn't even know what to think of that.

It was definitely a tale that deserved every syllable of the word fantastical. But it was obvious from the way he spoke, the way he held himself, that this was not just some story. Morgan was more than serious and for a moment, she could only stare at him, giving her head a soft shake.

This was insanity.

"So..." she began, but stopped when she didn't really have anywhere to go just yet. It was all still processing. "Jesus Christ, this is nuts."

Despite the fact that logic was screaming at her that what there had to be some, well, logical way of explaining everything, she believed him ( ... )


derek_morgan February 9 2011, 02:48:28 UTC
There was definitely the Emily Prentiss he knew. She stood as confused as he would've had their roles reversed. Derek nodded in acknowledgement when she called the situation crazy. There wasn't a better description.

He tensed when she pointed out the envelope. Considering everything that had gone on, Derek should have kept his envelope on him. Only in that moment did he realize how indifferent he had become after viewing the DVDs. Or maybe his subconscious was telling him that he still trusted Deb. They had a house together and his envelope remained in the same drawer as hers.

"Entertainment. That's all anyone's put together. The bastard told us himself yesterday. Only way people leave is by a tape burning. We don't find bodies." Derek rotated his shoulders, fighting the tension from them. "But people come back, from what I've been told. Just not with any memory of Peaksville."


emily_prentiss February 9 2011, 03:42:27 UTC
She arched a brow at his response with a look of mild incredulity. "Entertainment?" She gave a soft snort of deprecating laughter. "Someone needs to introduce him to Netflix."

She caught Derek's shoulder roll, and her expression changed, her concern showing through once again. "Hey," she said, her voice softer now, no trace left of the belittling tone she'd used when referencing West. "How've you been holding up?"

Though she was still processing his claim of seventeen days to her three, one thing was for certain: It had been hard for her to wrap her head around everything he had just told her, she couldn't imagine having actually experienced it all.

"I mean, all of this, after Los Angeles?" She knew that case was a tender topic, and she approached it as delicately as she could, but no matter how lightly she tread, she knew it could result in an immediate shut down on his part. He was her friend though, so she had to try.


fucktonofcoffee February 12 2011, 07:02:59 UTC
Debra Morgan was ansy. She was ansy and she couldn't sit fucking still for more than a goddamn minute at a shot. It was as if someone had lit a fucking fire under her ass and she just wanted to punch something or shoot something or have a drink or fuck or something so her brain would stop working in giant-ass run on moments like the one she was currently in the middle of. She took a deep breath and then she'd set out running.

Running was the best thing in the world for her, even if she'd found her running shoes tucked below everything else in her fucking closet. Debra Morgan had found the room she was meant to be sharing with her "husband", and she hadn't wanted to believe it. West was taking this whole thing too fucking far, and she had hid him with a fucking DVD.Yes, running was good. Dressed in her borrowed boy's shorts and shirt, Debra went running, and she tore through the town, moving down one end of it from the other. She'd been looking for Derek after he hadn't responded to the post she'd made on the journal, and it bothered ( ... )


derek_morgan February 13 2011, 17:35:00 UTC
Los Angeles. Derek hadn't allowed himself a real thought of Flynn, Spicer or Ellie for what seemed like months. Seventeen days didn't feel like the little over two weeks that they were. In two weeks time, he had a whole new existence. No family, no career. He had made friends. There was a temptation to call them alliances but 'friends' sufficed. One of those friends had become a lover to be his savior. He had considered it an action out of friendship.

Until he watched her DVD.

It wasn't as if he had a spotless record when it came to relationships. Hell, he didn't have any romantic relationships. Relations, yes. Plenty. Sex was among his top three outlets to relieve stress. Only in the past couple of years, had it moved down from the number one spot. Derek was getting older and reevaluating his life. Particularly when the no strings attached flings stopped taking his calls and found men willing to settle down ( ... )


emily_prentiss February 14 2011, 04:44:11 UTC
Emily never got an answer to her question. Instead, she got to meet West's idea of Morgan's better half. Immediately, she was reminded of Morgan saying that the woman had a mouth worse than his, and any idea she had held that he had been exaggerating that fact was instantly done away with ( ... )


fucktonofcoffee February 14 2011, 05:11:57 UTC
Debra Morgan wasn't a profiler, but she was pretty damned good at reading people. Well, maybe not people whom she was interested in, but that was beside the point. Deb was interested in Derek, even though it was probably going to be a fucking train wreck, and she could see the way he wasn't thrilled with her. Yeah, that was a good thing. Instantly Debra Morgan went into defensive mode ( ... )


derek_morgan February 14 2011, 05:39:20 UTC
It hadn't helped seeing the hint of amusement on Emily. There wasn't anything for her to enjoy. The moment reminded him of when Jordan introduced herself after blowing him off earlier in the day. Only Derek was much more involved with Deb than Jordan. Nothing had happened with Agent Todd. He couldn't say the same about Detective Morgan ( ... )


emily_prentiss February 15 2011, 04:04:20 UTC
Emily's brow arched ever so slightly at Deb's response, though not at all because of her tone. The woman definitely had some true skill in the expletive department, that was for sure ( ... )


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