(no subject)

Jan 30, 2011 14:19

Who: Emily, Open
What: Arrival
When: Day 49, late afternoon
Where: Main Street

She had seen some dedicated unsubs during her time with the BAU but this was a whole new level of insanity.

Still, crazy or not it, being abducted by an unsub and deposited in this eerie little town was the only version of events she was currently willing to accept. That West character definitely fit the demented kidnapper bill, what with this entirely over the top fantasy. And he was an obvious narcissist, a control freak if ever she had seen one (and she had seen plenty).

Oddly though, he seemed fairly harmless. She hadn’t been restrained as he had spun his ridiculous yarn in that dated study of his. He hadn’t seemed worried that she would attack, and she had felt no immediate sense of danger where he was concerned. In fact, the most disconcerting thing, if she were forced to pick only one, would have to be his unknown method of rending her unconscious.

One moment she had been walking in her front door, giving the idea of a cat another run through, and the next she had been sitting in a club chair being told she was a work of a lunatic’s imagination. Then, again in what felt like the blink of an eye, she was standing in the middle the street, empty storefronts and buildings lining either side, apparently free to explore as she wished.

Clinical definitions and professional language aside, this was weird.

She glanced around, not sure what she was expecting to see, and sighed. “I do not need this right now…”

derek morgan, emily prentiss, [day 49], debra morgan

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