
Jan 30, 2011 14:19

Who: Emily, Open
What: Arrival
When: Day 49, late afternoon
Where: Main Street

She had seen some dedicated unsubs during her time with the BAU but this was a whole new level of crazy. )

derek morgan, emily prentiss, [day 49], debra morgan

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derek_morgan February 14 2011, 05:39:20 UTC
It hadn't helped seeing the hint of amusement on Emily. There wasn't anything for her to enjoy. The moment reminded him of when Jordan introduced herself after blowing him off earlier in the day. Only Derek was much more involved with Deb than Jordan. Nothing had happened with Agent Todd. He couldn't say the same about Detective Morgan.

However, there was no maintaining his annoyance when Emily announced that now they all knew who the fuck everybody was. He didn't break the poker face but the tension eased up in his knit brow. This could go badly if Deb realized Prentiss was being facetious. And knowing Emily, she was probably trying to get him to calm down with her little joke.

Then Deb had to correct him about her last name.

Right. Debra Morgan wasn't the marrying kind. At least not to him. Nevermind that he wasn't exactly one either. The situation was volatile and apparently it was turning into Morgan vs Morgan. Or was it? Deb went on to answer Emily.

Derek clenched his teeth and swallowed whatever saliva had collected in his mouth, simply to do something before speaking. He ceased staring down Deb and panned over to Emily.

"It ain't just law enforcement. There are other people here. Doctors and..." He couldn't think what it was Dean did so he continued, "some others but a good deal of law enforcement. You could even put the good Captain under that umbrella."

His eyes panned back over to Deb as he suddenly decided to do a ring check. She had been in the cornfield after all. He had heard that deals could be made there. Had she already freed herself from him and that was what prompted the clarification of her last name? Nope. The band remained.

He mentally shrugged and went on to study Deb. There was something different. Derek couldn't figure out what. Had she seen his DVD, there was nothing she could find fault with. He didn't bother to ask. Knowing the Miami detective, they would all find out soon enough.


emily_prentiss February 15 2011, 04:04:20 UTC
Emily's brow arched ever so slightly at Deb's response, though not at all because of her tone. The woman definitely had some true skill in the expletive department, that was for sure.

Then Derek spoke up, and this time, Emily couldn't help but give him a funny look when he mentioned this Captain person for the second time. Morgan had never really seem the type for nicknames, especially if the person in question wasn't named Penelope. Sure, she'd gotten a teasing "Princess" or two but that had been the extent of it. Captain seemed too...trite.

She would ask him about that later.

"So...do-gooders in general? That's a pretty wide margaine," she said. "Doesn't seem like it'd be the best mix to throw together for entertainment."

As she had talked, she'd watched the two Morgan's as they surreptitiously studied one another. The whole thing still held the vaguest sense of amusement for her, but the tension hadn't eased very much as they'd been standing around talking. Maybe it'd be best if...

"Hey, do you two need to talk? I could, I don't know, go explore one of these stores or something." She hooked her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the various storefronts that lined Main Street.


fucktonofcoffee February 16 2011, 03:03:52 UTC
When Derek clenched his teeth, Deb saw it and frowned for a moment. Yeah. She really needed to be not fucking watching him right now. She wanted not to be fucking standing here right now with some god damn chick just...

Deep breaths, Morgan. It wasn't Emily's fault that shit was so weird. Too bad she wasn't buying that at the moment. She was just... god, she was just angry and wanted to punch things especially people's faces. She also saw the way that he'd looked at her finger. The ring was still there indeed. It hadn't even crossed her mind to make a deal to get out of wearing it, despite her aversion to it. Maybe she should have. Right now she didn't know.

"Dean could probably count as a do-gooder too. And then there's Gabe. He's a fucking angel. Allegedly." She'd met him as a kid, kids that little and that scared? She didn't think he was fucking lying to her, not at all. "Erik's not a do-gooder, right? Who else is there?" She didn't really remember, but trying to figure out this thing was easier than focusing on other things that she couldn't real.

When Emily asked if they needed a chance to talk, Debra shrugged and looked to Derek again. "I was fucking interrupting. I should get my ass out of here and let you two talk." Jealous. Oh, why so jealous, Deb?


derek_morgan February 16 2011, 03:20:25 UTC
Debra rattling off a series of male names did absolutely nothing for the preconceived notions he obtained after watching her DVD. It wasn't as if Derek was the jealous type. He felt lied to. Maybe not so much her words but...They talked all the time. Why hadn't she told him ANYTHING? Only how nuts she was over old ass Frank Lundy.

Derek didn't know a lot of people by name. He was happy with himself for remembering equal amount of men and women. Not that anyone knew what was going on in his mind. The sunglasses avoided eye contact with anyone. But then Prentiss went and basically told on him. He panned back to Deb as she replied. Oh, really?

"See you later," he agreed though his brow had furrowed deeper ever so slightly. Derek could have offered a time. It crossed his mind to tell her to have supper ready on the table. The thought was angry and spiteful but he didn't know why the hell it came to mind. He stared so hard at Deb that he had no idea what Emily was doing.


emily_prentiss February 16 2011, 17:08:13 UTC
A lot of this was going so far over Emily's head it wasn't even in the stratosphere. Angels and Captains and Christ she hoped they just had developed some crazy sense of humor to stay sane.

So it was at least somewhat fortunate that she had a real live soap opera to distract herself with. Even if it was loosing amusement points with each passing moment.

She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes when Deb, in words far more colorful than usually warranted, more or less excused herself. Except, not really. And she actually did roll them when Morgan replied, dismissively, except, again, not really.

For the love of...She had graduated high school almost two decades ago and had no desire to revisit those years in any form. This was coming dangerously close.

"Right..." she said, drawing the word out as she cast a knowing look between them. "I'm just going to venture a guess here and say that you two have some serious shit--" she winced a little at that, Debra proving to be a not so great influence on her vocabulary. "Some serious issues to talk about. So you," she looked at the female Morgan. "Stay. I can talk to Morgan later. Really. And you," she looked at Morgan number two. "Stop being an ass. You're not nearly as good at it as you think you are."

And then she turned and walked toward the stores, giving her head a shake.


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