
Dec 27, 2004 11:50

Well, today I sent my novel manuscript to a publisher. It is on its way and out of my hands. No more revisions, additions or deletions. I should hear in three to four months what they think of it. I hope they like it and make an offer. Of course, I think they will like it or I wouldn't have sent it. However, this represents a large investment of time and effort. I know that the first novel is hard to sell and rarely is it bought by the first publisher to see it but, hope springs eternal. I have the encouragement of having one short story accepted for a small anthology being privately published. There, I hope the publisher will at least go with a POD so my various friends and family will be able to buy it.

These are steps in what I hope will be a new career. Whether the career is part-time or full-time remains to be seen. For now I will go with a friend's advice from long ago. Don't quit your day job until you have at least four novels in print, on the bookstore shelves at the same time. This gives me the future aspect of working for Payless for many years to come. I can't say that I mind the prospect too much. Yes, there are drawbacks to the retail profession but I enjoy dealing with most customers and I'm good at it. Sometimes the hours are long and the idiots drive me nutso but for the majority of the time and work, I enjoy it.

For the rest of the afternoon, I shall watch Return of the King (extended version) and relax. Tonight, it's back to the next novel. I must try to keep focused on what I can do and let the rest of the process work in time.
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