Once again, I have to apologize for my tardiness. Someday I'm going to realize that the end of October and the beginning of November are not my friends and schedule accordingly.
However, that doesn't negate the fact that you, Dear Author, are pretty much made of awesome. No, really, you are. I say this every year, and I mean it every year. You are taking the plunge into a fandom that you may love but rarely, if ever, write for...or you could be jumping into uncharted waters. For a stranger! A stranger who is making your job harder by not posting her dear author letter in a timely fashion. If you're freaking out, don't. You're already amazing! You've already stepped up to an incredible challenge. I have writer friends who are really good writers who won't do Yuletide because it's too random. But you're doing it! Go you. Go us!
Onto the show ;)
First things first: Things to avoid:
-Deathfic (although I don't mind dark-fic at all)
Please also try to keep the rating around PG-13/Teen. I have personal issues I'm trying to mitigate, but if there's a good reason for your R/Mature rated story then I'm willing to trust you.
Things I dig:
-Everything else! :)
-Genfic! I love genfic, and there's never enough of it. Don't like the pairing I have? Go gen! You can't make me unhappy going this route.
-In-characterness. Even if that makes for sticky situations. Even if that makes life difficult for the chars (or me!). We liked these stories for a reason, after all.
Everybody Hates Chris
I have been trying to write for this or get someone to write for this for ages. I meant it in my signup when I said that pretty much anything you write for this will be awesome. Want to continue the series? Go ahead. Want to tell a side story? I'd love to read it. Want to show Chris a little more grown up, but before he became Chris Rock The Comedian? I am so right there. A story about Rochelle and Darius with side-hijinks from the kids could be hilarious. Or perhaps the kids are the straightmen and the parents are cutting up. Or maybe a much smaller story. EHC had it's heartfelt moments, too.
Mansfield Park
This is my favorite of Jane Austen's. I know it's often not popular, and I can understand why, but the popularity or lack thereof has never been a selling point for me. ;) I love Fanny. To pieces. And it's only recently that I've learned to love Henry...without wanting to break him into pieces. Modern Au's have become my new thing, so perhaps a modern retelling of the story from Henry's point of view? Or perhaps you're one of the people who like Fanny and Henry together. I can get with that, so long a you acknowledge that Henry is, at the very least, too worldly for someone of Fanny's sensibilities. How would Henry's real desire to build a relationship with a woman like Fanny, especially in the modern world where Henry's behavior is "standard" and Fanny is something of a social anachronism? If you can bring Henry into a place where he really is more suitable for Fanny (I like her just the way she is) then that's a transformative story I would love to read. On the other hand if you're anti-Fanny and see this all as bunk....maybe don't write this story? lol Or do it from another point of view. Honestly, I don't mind Fanny playing second fiddle if she's just too bland a figure for you.
Almost Human
I was so disappointed when this show was canceled! Suddenly our overarching storylines were coming together. Characters were gelling. The bromance was blossoming! I need more bromance. I need Dorian and Kennex snarking at each other, and being there for each other. I need them getting over the trauma of abandonment together. I need Maldonado to be awesome, because smart, older, competent, no-nonsense-without-being-a-witch-with-a-capital-B women don't get enough screentime anywhere. Bring the whole cast back. Only focus on the boys (and Maldonado?). I don't care. But I'm serious about the bromance. The fandom is rife with slash...okay every fandom is rife with slash, lol...but I think it's perfect fodder for genfic. There's not enough genfic out there, people!
Mad Max Series
I think I already gave this one to you, Dear Author :) I really love the franchise, and I've always loved the women of "Beyond Thunderdome". I'm not mad that Furiousa and the Widows are getting their due as well-round (better-rounded) women with thoughts, ideas, and agency of their won, who use Max for their own ends instead of either being used by him or finding the totality of their inspiration in him. That's not my issue. But Savannah was doing that in "Beyond Thunderdome", and Aunty Entity was running her own little fiefdom surrounded by men. I'm just saying...why is there no love for Savannah and Aunty Entity? Yes, Savannah and Friends needed Max's help, but that didn't stop her from going as far as she could go on as much knowledge and determination as she had in spite of everyone telling her she not to even try. Feel free to tie this into the new movie or not, as you please. (I have head-canon for how they both work together, but don't let my head get in your way.) Feel free to tell the story of how Savannah became one of the leaders, how she became so strong-willed...or was always strong-willed. And if you can figure out how to get her to cross paths with Aunty Entity, you will be made of pure awesome.
(boy did I request a lot O_O)
My Love From the Stars
I recently finished watching this and I loved it. Except for Mr. Big Evil, everyone was relatable on some level. I felt bad for Yoo Se Mi always in her friend's spot light, and Bok Ja, always unlucky in love. Now that Cheon Song Yi is settled, more or less, how do these ladies move forward? Do they finally find a man of their own? Do they decide they don't need a man? Does a man find them? As much as Qa I love a good darkfic, I'm a sucker for a romance, too. Feel free to make me cry if that's what needs to happen, but I'd like these ladies to have a happy ending that makes them happy.
Quantum Leap
This is the other one where I basically gave you everything you need to know: Fix the end. I kinda don't care how. I only recently discovered (or rediscovered) the end for myself. I need you to fix it. I desperately, desperately need you to fix it. From a storytelling point of view, it's poignent and heart-wrending, and it works in a way that makes me think it inspired Joss Whedon's future torture of his fans, but, as we fans have always known, that doesn't mean it can't be fixed. So. Yeah. If you can fix the end of Quantum Leap for me, I just might love you forever.
Thank you, Dear Author. Omigosh, many times thank you. You're setting aside time from your personal life and responsbilities for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. And even though all those words up there might seem like a lot of pressure, trust me, I am already a fan of your work. I am your biggest cheerleader. You've already made me incredibly, deliriously happy. And, no, I'm not just trying to make you feel better or lavish you with outsized praise. I've been here, too. I know how hard this is. I know how much heart goes into every Yuletide story. You doing this? So cool. And doing it for me? You've already made me incredibly happy. I can't wait to see what you come up with.