Dear Author 2017

Oct 01, 2017 20:55

Happy Yuletide, Dear Author!

I am so happy that you are going to be writing for me this year.

No, I have no idea who you are. The only thing I do know is that you're awesome. And how in the world could I know that? Because you're doing Yuletide! You're volunteering your precious time and brainpower to write something for a complete stranger. YOU'RE AMAZING! Before you put pen to paper or finger to keys or touchpad, you are pretty freakin' amazing, Dear Author. If at any time you start to freak out while you're writing, remember that: you're amazing and you can do this.

But now, onto what you're really here! :D

Everything I want is already in my Optional Details section in the AO3 signup. To be honest, I'm ecstatic to see a story from any of those fandoms. They're tiny and awesome and need more love. All the love!

As you know, Dear Author, I've requested for the following
-City of Bones by Martha Wells
-Howl Series by Diana Wynne Jones (female centric story, please)
-The Proposal (relationship/character exploration, please)
-Quantum Leap (fix the series finale, please. idc, how)
-Edge of Tomorrow
-The Lake House

You'll notice that half of these don't have any kind of specific request. I don't have one, beyond having a story written for the fandom that also avoids my DNWs (see below). You'll also notice that the other half have super brief specific requests. They're more like gentle suggestions than requests. A new story in my tiny, beloved fandom is what I'm looking for more than anything.

Speaking of DNWs, here are my Do Not Wants (DNWs), written, perhaps in far too much detail.
  • Please keep the rating PG-13/T+ or lower, unless an R/M rating is really necessary
  • I prefer story over sexy-times. If it's necessary to the story, I'd prefer a fade-to-black (although it's right tempting for The Proposal. Don't tempt me, Dear Author, don't tempt me!) than juicy description.
  • As a corollary, I'm not into either slash or femme-slash.
  • As a second corollary, I'm also not into incest. Which I don't think is an issue, but you can never be too careful :)
  • I don't like humiliation, embarrassment...they just make me hide my eyes while reading, which you have to admit makes things is a little awkward. Again, if it's necessary to the story, go for it. But embarrassment/humiliation for their own sake? Not my thing.
  • I don't like deathfic, although I have nothing against darkfic. I know you're saying you don't believe me, but it's true!

Some things that make me happy:
  • I love gen-fic! Are all my DNWs making it difficult to ship someone? No problem! Write me some Gen and I will love you to life!
  • 4
  • Characters being in character. The reason I loved these shows is usually because of the characters they play. If that means they get themselves stuck in a sticky situation, that's fine by me.
  • Wingfic.
  • Age-regression and/or babyfic and/or kidfic
  • Modern settings (not that I think any of my requests suit, but it's still worth mentioning)
  • ...almost anything that has a good story!

Really, Author, I have so much faith in you. I am so thrilled with you. I adore you so much! I am excited to see what you will do, and I have complete faith in your abilities. Thank you so much for writing for me! I am already your biggest fan :D <3


dear author, yuletide

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