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Mar 23, 2004 21:26

holy crap it has been forever since I updated. And i feel bad that i havent. i really do want to keep updating. but i have been so freakin busy lately. I am substitue teaching for R.J Grey and having a blast. the kids love me, the teachers think i am a great sub, and it pays well. So aside from waking up at 530am I really do love it. I might even have to consider the concept of teaching as a profession. Aint it kinda scary? I have been working on becoming an adult a lot lately. Its kinda sad how quickly i have been forced to grow up. I have a planboook in which I sort and plan my life down to the detail. if you arent in it.. chances are you wont be seeing me. I have appointments and bills and responsibilities. Believe me, it sucks. I have been such ann adult all year.. its killin me. i want to be more of a kid again. i put my big earring back in, because I wanted to do something stupid and irresponsible. My final days in acton will be somethingto the effect of may 20. after that, chances are i will be gone to NH to work and take classes and live in my own place with my own stuff. Should be nice. I have worked aweful hard to make this pipe dream complete. I have done everything i can think of. i even have failsafes. this WILL happen. oh. and props to alex who has been feeding my music needs. And i will be up to NH agai nsoon for a visit. For the home folks, i have put all my pics up on the web here more to come later.
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