There is no place like home.

Mar 28, 2004 22:44

So this weekend taught me something very important. That acton and the people therein arent very much like home anymore. I mean, i fight with the family a lot, and the more i grow up, the less I want to be here. I have worked so hard over the past year to mature, and at the same time to make relationships around me work. But I honestly feel like I put in much more effort than any one else. But thats SO different up north.
I returned to UNH a Legend. It was wierd because when i got there, i was introduced as "this is tutes" and that was all that needed be said. Everyone had heard about me. They new the stories and the times. They knew about the Sin and Vice. About the Failed Wedgie Attempt, and about my open door policy. I spent the night surrounded by people who really missed me and were elated to see me. We played cards and watched movies. There were video games and taboo. It was AWESOME. i was up till 4 surrounded by freshman asking me stuff about the university. I showed a group of 5 how to hide the smell of alcohol by putting deoderant on the outside of your doorframe. I was up till 530am talking with a group of two drunk guys, 3 drunk girls, and one cute little thing Whom i will refer to as "Drunkjess" (one word) who is a wicked great girl, but giggles at EVERYTHING when drunk.
Dinner was a boisterous group of four, who told jokes and made commenary. The coolest super power ever was discussed... as well as why one should never pull a "sun and moon" in a moving vehicle. (TWANG). We ate and laughed, and in the end, i left with a belly ache. Not from the food, but from the fun. This continued at lunch the next day (breakfast was bypassed) when a long discussion was had about Sin and how it has improved the quality of my life.
The evening activity of choice was the SMashing.. When 2 computers met a painful fate at the hands of the Sackett house crew, and a 6Lb. Sledge. We tore them to pieces. It took us and ohour to smash and clean up. The cops came and asked us to justt "keep it down".
I admit the most wlecoming aspect was that everyone already knew me. it was so easy to chill with people because they all already knew me. it ewas just like i had never left. i was supposed to be there. I cant wait for that to be the permanent sentiment. I cant wait till i WILL be there. till that is my home again.. tilll I no longer have to return to Acton. any longer than I must. Thats gonna be the best thing in the world. To have a Real home... and a house in acton to come back to to be with the old crew... You guys are my forever friends.. but sometimes, like trish says, you grow up, and things get a little different. I need something a little different. I love sitting and drinking in robs hot tub. And i love hangin out with Drew and having NO clue when he is gonna appear until i get a call at 10pm saying he is in town for one night. but for me right now, home is UNH. And I am counting down the days until I get to go home.
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