As I sit here weak and weary

Feb 19, 2004 23:12

Man, you ever wonder what 230 kids and parents in one building look like? I have seen it. and it totally brings out the ugly in people. my GOD people suck. but all that aside. i went running out side today. it felt good, but I need new shoes, becuase the ones i have have nopadding in the soles. so it hurt my back a little. I think I will stick to the treadmill cuz it absorbs most of the shock of running. I am not supposed to run on concrete anywho. I guess i sorta forgot that part. Woops.
As for still being stuck in the same fucking house every night and day and having no way to run away... I need a place to call my own. We sat around the card table tonight. silent. exaughsted. We didnt have any fun. it was just cards... then we played video games... and it was good.. but the minute it ended the attitude just broke down. And mark started being a dick, and tom pushed him, mark WAY over reacted (fucking beligerant little bitch that he is. The kid tweeks out at the slightest thing.) and then chriss got pissed. the whole place is juce to hot for me. i hate it. I need out.. so i am givin out open calls to people who wanna see me. Give me a weeks notice, and i wil be there. Give me a place to sleep and a party to be at, and i will be there. I will even dress nice and make/cover breakfast. now for the good stuff.
The girlfriend formerly known as Trish, is still known as Trish. And she is awesome. Valentines day went well and was fun, cept mark, again ruining all my fun, was to absorbed in his video game to figure out that it was valentines day. So valentines evening was me, Trish, and mark.... i dont think i need to go into any more details than that... i was pissed... but trish helped me to see past mark being a moron, and i even managed to relax by just being there with her and relaxing. it was good.
Thats about it. I dont know what the hell i am doing this wekened. people from all over want me somewhere. but chances are i will just be going into town at some point with my older brother Tom.

Words to live by:
--When the music hits, you feel no pain at all.
--nothing ever came from life that was a smimple one. pull yourself together and have a little fun
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