Bryan Fuller's Shows (Picspam)

Nov 28, 2009 22:44




← Nighthawks, 1x12 →

WATCH; (0:00 - 3:48)
George: Why are you doing this to me?
Rube: If you knew who was on the post-it, could you stop it?
George: No.
Rube: No, you can’t.
George: I can’t sleep. Why can’t I sleep?
Rube: If you stand too close to a painting - all you see are patches of color, if you stand too far back, you can't see any of the detail. Right now this is your particular perspective … and if you ask me --
George: I'm a little too close.

♦ Why: I've always been a sucker for the George & Rube relationship and I just love this scene. I love how George can't help but be attached to her family and I love how Rube is trying to be the responsible one and is trying to get her to understand and adjust. Also, the analogy with the painting is simply lovely.


← The Shallow End, 2x04 →

Stan: [to God] You bastard.
Daisy: Stan!
Stan: Hypocritical, no-good, backstabbing, judgmental... You said we're all God's children. Except the freaks. Except for me. [grabs for Bible, but can’t. To Daisy-] You, You do it.
Daisy: I can't. I won't.
Stan: Just help me.
Daisy: I'm sorry. I can't.
Stan: Why would God do this to me?
Daisy: Do what? Have you die this way?
Stan: Have me live this way. God doesn't love all creatures, Daisy.
Daisy: I think you should pray, Stan.
Stan: I want to forgive him, but I want him to tell me ... that he's sorry, first.
George (VO): I don't know exactly what makes people cross over. I mean, souls. I think they see light where others cannot. I think they see a chance to become something else. Someone else.

♦ Why: Because so many Dead Like Me deaths have been ridiculous and purely for kicks and this one reminds viewers what it's really about. Poignancy. Absolutely poignant - about someone who never felt like he belonged and God letting him know that he is accepted and wanted and loved right at the moment that he needs it most. And the music is absolutely gorgeous! No other piece of music could have taken its place. And then Daisy's return to the church with George's voiceover broke my heart - here's Daisy, this seemingly shallow and narcissistic woman really searching for something more than elaborate tales of past blowjobs; something meaningful; something real. Astounding.


← Last Call, 2x13 →

WATCH; (0:00 - 3:05)
Daisy: That's an engagement ring.
Mason: You wanted one so I got it for you. You wanted to put it on your little finger, on your last day, so ... here it is.
Daisy: Are you trying to humiliate me?
Mason: No, never, it's a token, Daisy, it's a token, from me, from my heart to you, you; it’s something permanent in this bloody world.
Daisy: Mason, I'm not this girl. I won't fall in love, and I won't get married, I won’t grow old with someone … not with you or anyone. So I don't want your ring.
Mason: And I will never ever take it back.
Daisy: Please go.

♦ Why: They're both so broken that it hurts watching them. I love how genuine Mason is here. How caring and unselfish he is, thinking that this is his last day on earth. He just wants Daisy to know he cared, just wants to do something that he thought would make her happy. And Daisy, automatically thinking that she's there to be made a fool of. Ack! She must think so little of herself. As a Mason/Daisy shipper, it's a great scene!



← Karma Chameleon, 1x03 →

WATCH; (8:40 - 10:10)
Darrin [reading an article about Jaye]: Whether it is the undertow of contemporary life, or something more ancient: life as it has always been... Jen will continue to struggle. To thrash and fight. Yet in her most personal, unguarded moments she will speak of a calm pool. A place where the waters become still and the chaos abates. A place where a father’s wisdom ... a mother’s compassion ... A brother’s protection ... and a sister, 35 ... all combine to show Jen she is not alone.
Jaye: … I finally figured out my fifteen words... hope it’s okay. “Daughter Jaye lives in Niagara Falls. Her blurb, and life, are a work in progress.”

♦ Why: Because as a young 20 year old woman, I can relate. A lot. And to just have that article written about her and to see that her family does care, and doesn't see her as a complete waste or failure is so reassuring and touching. And her blurb is 15 words of awesomeness. I'm one of those people who feels so secure with everything planned out from the get-go, and to know that life is a "work in progress" is wonderful. Love it!


← Lovesick Ass, 1x08 →

WATCH; (5:12 - 7:38)
Eric: I just feel like there’s something here, a spark or chemistry or something and we should explore that.
Jaye: But the issues and damage? You weren’t wrong about any of that. In fact, you don’t even know the half of it. I mean, forget about your damage. I’m quite possibly certifiable. Why would you want to get involved with anything so potentially messy and complicated as, well, me?
Eric: Because ... you make me happy.
[they kiss]
Jaye: So you know how when you have like a first date there’s all that tension because you’ve never kissed before? So now we can just go out and it can be tension-free.
Eric: I, uh, I still have tension -
[they kiss again]

♦ Why: How cute are they?! I love how Eric wants to be with her despite all these issues and obstacles. He's willing to take her just the way she is and vice versa. And, honestly, the way the line "because ... you make me happy" was delivered was such a gush-worthy moment. Like it's all so simple. What does anything else matter? At the end of the day, that's the thing that counts. So sweet!


← Caged Bird, 1x13 →

Eric: I'd like to return these items.
Jaye: Did they break? 'Cause we sell a lot of crap here.
Eric: Uh, nope. But they’re not doing what they’re supposed to.
Jaye: They’re souvenirs.
Eric: I know, and souvenirs are supposed to remind you of a place you’re not. And I’m here. So they’re not doing what they’re supposed to do.
Jaye: Are you back? ‘Cause I was supposed to let you go. What does it mean? Are you just visiting?
Eric: I’m a resident. And I’m single … if anyone were to be interested.
Jaye: Sign here. But I can only give you store credit.
Eric: Good. Another reason for me to come back.

♦ Why: This ending was fabulous because it got the two leads together, not leaving the show on a huge cliffhanger! It actually had resolution, yay! I love Eric's final line in regards to only getting store credit and how to leaves, but comes right back to pull Jaye in for a kiss. And look how happy Jaye is after he leaves the store. And the song!!! It's magical! I absolutely adore Love Will Come Through by Travis and it was used brilliantly here!



← Bitches, 1x06 →

Ned: You’re the only one for me.
Chuck: I know you feel that now, but there are things you want. There are things we both want.
Ned: So? Everyone wants stuff. We wake up every day with list of wishes a mile long and maybe we spend our lives trying to make those wishes come true, but … just because we want them doesn’t mean we need them to be happy.
Chuck: What do you need to be happy?
Ned: You.

♦ Why: I feel like the takeaway message of every Ned/Chuck scene is: And that's how love overcomes all obstacles and stays going strong. I love these characters like WHOA and their relationship pulls at the heartstrings like no other. I love their maturity (they actually talk about things - eventually), I love their innocence (the way they regard each other ... it's like they never really were apart during their teens and early adult lives), and I love their dedication to each other. And this speech is quite possibly the sweetest speech I've seen in TV. So simple, so to-the-point, so obvious, and yet ... *sigh* So true. We never get every wish fulfilled. But then again, what does it matter, when you've got everything you need to really be content. Gorgeous!


← Bittersweets, 1x08 →

Olive: If you loved me…
Alfredo: Yes…
Olive: And we could never, ever, ever touch, wouldn’t you eventually get over it and move on, letting someone else have the slightly hope that you might move on to them?
Alfredo: If I loved you ... then I would love you in any way I could. And if we could not touch, then I would draw strength from your beauty... and if I went blind, I would fill my soul with the sound of your voice and the contents of your thoughts until the last spark of my love for you lit the shabby darkness of my dying mind...
Olive: Eh, forget it.

♦ Why: Most. Romantic. Thing. Ever. Seriously, could you not see Fredo's speech in a Shakespearean play?! Honestly, though, I listen to his words and there is a huge grin on my face, accompanied by a childish giggle. Adorable and poetic and GUH. Poor Alfredo, falling head over heels and then some for Olive and being totally ignored. And poor Olive, being too distracted by someone else to ever consider Alfredo. Anyway, still a marvelous scene!


←  Oh, Oh, It's Magic, 2x06 →

Ned: It’s a nice feeling to be able to talk to the family you didn’t know you had. […] I want you to have that same nice feeling. Do you wanna talk to your mom? […] Go on. Ask your sea of questions.
Chuck: She can hear me? […] I wanna know everything. Everything. Start at the beginning. Tell me about the day I was born.
Lily: I was at the nunnery. Right in the middle of mid-middle morning prayers. Sister Mary Mary came running with a crucifix and a bucket of Holy Water - she had ideas about the kind of spawn I was carrying. But after you were born, [tearing up] even she could see you were an angel...

♦ Why: Sweetest boyfriendy gesture. But other than that, how about Olive being awesome enough to agree to help, Chuck being completely taken away and shocked and overwhelmed with the idea, and Lily for being her usual snarky self until she starts talking about her daughter's birth and breaking down. And Ned and Chuck touching hands through the glass. I remember this scene making me well up when I first watched it. Damn you and your sentiments, Pushing Daisies (why, can't I get have any more? Please?)

picspam, characters, pushing daisies, tv shows, dead like me, challenge, wonderfalls

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