Bryan Fuller's Shows (Picspam)

Nov 28, 2009 22:44



The chance to become something else. Someone else. )

picspam, characters, pushing daisies, tv shows, dead like me, challenge, wonderfalls

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Comments 70

gregor_asmadi November 29 2009, 04:26:51 UTC
Wonderful post. Makes me want (even more than normal) to go back and rewatch all three shows.


turquoisetumult November 29 2009, 06:05:04 UTC
It is indeed awesome stuff. They're all those kind of shows that you can just watch over and over and you never tire of the jokes or the sentimental stuff.

Bryan Fuller: poor sonuvabitch who does not get the recognition he deserves. I hope it doesn't stop his imagination from striking again though! :)

Glad you liked the post, Steve! And let me know how you're enjoying the rewatches if you pursue it! :D


phoenix39 November 29 2009, 04:47:51 UTC
Excellent pic spam. I miss Pushing Daisies so much!


turquoisetumult November 29 2009, 06:09:00 UTC
Me too! I figured the miss-age would have dissipated by now, but no such luck! It was really an amazing show! *le sigh*

If you haven't seen Dead Like Me or Wonderfalls, though, you should check them out! They're both Bryan Fuller productions and they're both wonderful. DLM is a darker and more sarcastic than PD but it's still amazing and I've always considered Wonderfalls a mix of both DLM and PD. Consider it their bastard love child (incidentally, Lee Pace stars in Wonderfalls as the main character's brother, so that's something, if nothing else. lol)

I'm glad you like the picspam, Jane. Thanks for the comment!


phoenix39 November 29 2009, 06:25:52 UTC
You had me at 'bastard love child'. I'll definitely look into them.


turquoisetumult November 29 2009, 06:38:34 UTC
LOL! Well, I always saw WF as a cross between the very morbid DLM and the very chipper PD. Someone's got all the episodes on YT is you wanna go the cheap and easy route! :D


jeffwannabe November 29 2009, 06:06:09 UTC
Lovely, thank you for posting. I love these shows so much. And want to rewatch them all, right now, all at once, which is impossible.


turquoisetumult November 29 2009, 06:11:24 UTC
Believe you me, you're not the only one! I rewatched WF this past summer, so I guess that's something, but I am aching for PD and DLM. UGH. Life's unfair!

Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked it!


jeffwannabe December 4 2009, 05:34:55 UTC
I rewatched Wonderfalls this summer, cause I introduced my friend to it. And I just (finally) finished watching Pushing Daisies, so I think a whole series in close progression rewatch is quite needed. And Dead Like Me maybe over winter break...I think I might spend all break on my butt in front of my TV. >.<


leucocrystal November 29 2009, 06:09:40 UTC
I love this! Those three Dead Like Me moments - particularly the first two - are major loves of mine. George and Rube are my favorites! ♥


turquoisetumult November 29 2009, 06:14:51 UTC
Oh man, those first 2 DLM moments break my heart. The father/daughter relationship of Rube and George is beautiful and one of the reasons I feel the movie sucked so bad is because that was gone. And that one scene in 2x04 ... WOW. I can't even express in words. TOO TOO POWERFUL. And real. And heartwrenchingly poignant. ♥

Glad you liked the picspam!


leucocrystal November 29 2009, 06:17:40 UTC
Yes, exactly! Man, the movie was terrible, what a letdown. Back when I saw it I made an entire post ranting about it, lol. But for the most part it's easy to just pretend it doesn't exist and cuddle my S1/S2 DVDs. As to the second moment, I'm an Agnostic, so I was particularly struck by how powerful that scene in the church was.


chiroro November 29 2009, 06:11:17 UTC
:') Oh man, all three of these shows made up a good part of my tweenhood.

Alfredo's little speech to Olive is one of my absolute favorite quotes. I gush everytime I think/hear about.

Love this picspam. Awesome job :)


turquoisetumult November 29 2009, 06:23:25 UTC
LOL. Ironically, I got into both DLM and WF after they were both canceled so I actually watched those in my mid-late-teens and I identified (still do) so well with George and Jaye. And when the arrival of a new Fuller show called Pushing Daisies was announced I was ecstatic and hopeful. And that got canceled too. Damn networks!!!

I gush everytime I think/hear about.

ME TOO! It feels like my heart is swelling out of its ribcage. SO BEAUTIFUL!

Thanks! Glad you like it!


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