Snowflake Challenge -- day two

Jan 02, 2016 10:53

Day 2

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your wish-list if you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe someone will grant a wish. Check out other people's posts. Maybe you will grant a wish. If any wishes are granted, we'd love it if you link them to this post.

(1) Comments to my fic. I love getting them so much, and getting unexpected comments about old stories always makes my day. They're also a nice reminder that I used to be okay at that writing lark which will hopefully kickstart my writing brain again.

(2) Rec me stories you think I'll enjoy. My bandom people will know what I like, but briefly, Mikey centric, love waybros, Frank/Mikey, Mikey/Pete, h/c and loads of other stuff, but no bad Bob or mean characterisation of the awesome ladies. Any recent stories will be especially welcome. Away from bandom I'm also still enjoying reading Aramis centric Musketeer fic.

(3) Artwork for my stories. I know I've asked for this in previous challenges but I'd especially love art of Mikey and Frank from Tints verse. Mainly because I've such a clear vision of them in my head but sadly don't have the artistic ability to transfer that onto the page.

(4) Magic Mike fic for Ken/Mike, drabbles, ficlets or epics I want it all.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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