Snowflake Challenge -- day one

Jan 01, 2016 11:44

Day 01

In your own space, talk about why you are doing the Fandom Snowflake Challenge? What drew you to it as a participant? What do you hope to accomplish by doing these challenges? Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

To me, the Snowflake challenge is a way to embrace fandom and fannish activities. Initially I was tempted in by the very lovely mods and origin of the challenge -- every snowflake is different just like you! But as the years have gone by I've stayed because it's such a feel good start to the year.

Fandom is so important to me, but for a while now my activity levels have been slipping. Which is a shame because fandom and fans are pretty awesome, so I'm going to use this challenge to attempt to reignite my fannish spark. I really enjoy reading the responses and commenting to new people. I love how the snowflake challenge means you can say, well done! to a stranger, or get to complement a work you would usually never see.

I also like how low pressure it is. That it doesn't matter if you want to skip a challenge, if you do one or them all.

What do I want to accomplish? To reconnect with fandom, to have fun reading challenge answers and maybe commenting to new people, even if that only happens one time. Though I have met some excellent flist friends via previous snowflake challenges ♥

Who knows, by branching out via the challenges I may find my new fandom, or participate in old ones. Hell, maybe I'll even write something, that would be a miracle.

Whatever happens I know it should be fun, and that it'll get people posting and hopefully commenting. And that has to be a fantastic start to the year.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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