Snowflake Challenge -- day three

Jan 03, 2016 17:54

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

And the Painted Ponies. I enjoyed writing this story so much. Mikey the supermodel and the bodyguard who loved him were just the perfect pair to me, and I had so much fun pulling in the other characters, Pete the designer, Ryan Mikey's fake enemy, Gerard the manager. It was just a blast to write. I also like how the plot developed, Mikey and Frank being slowly pulled together. And Mikey in a corset and heels. A+ choices, self.

Blurring the Truth and the Lies I saw this recced on tumblr with the comment it was a guilty pleasure read. But to me there's no such thing, and I still like this story a lot. As do other people it seems as it's #3 in terms of kudos at my A03. I did a lot of research for this story, what meds Pete could have been on, the care he'd be given and did the best I could to ensure Mikey as a nurse was plausible. I also really love the ending of this a lot.

Ten Rules of Looking After Mikeyway. This story, it continues to amaze me at how well it does. That people keep reading, leaving kudos and comments. It's short, it's gen, it's old and yet the love remains.

Burn Ever Bright. Written for Turlough's gorgeous art work in last year's bbb. I'm sure everyone on my flist is sick of hearing me bleat on about being unable to write, so getting this story done was such an achievement, especially as I wanted it to be perfect for Turlough. One of my favourite things to do is world-build, and I really like the result of this here, especially all the scenes with the dragons. It didn't really get much attention, but it's still up there as a favourite to me.

What I'm Waiting For. Because I love the picfor1000 challenge and I also love writing humour, and really, sometimes all you want to do is write a way bro centric story about shape-shifting sheep.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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