(no subject)

Sep 04, 2011 11:53

It's Mikey's birthday next week, and as always over at mikeyway_daily we intend to celebrate that.

It's going to be difficult to beat the mod stickmen art, but we're going to give it a go. To do that we need your help. Every year we do a the best of Mikey fic rec post and also a media post of stuff that provides good Mikey. You can see last years rec post here and the media post here.

We'd love if you told us stories that you think give excellent Mikey. He doesn't have to be in the pairing but does have to have a significant role to play, so nothing where he's in there for one line only, even if that one line is the funniest thing ever. It can be fic that's been posted since his last birthday or something old that's not on the list. Anything goes.

Same with media. For example, the Frank and Mikey movie interview which remains made of awesome, or older stuff like the Gerard/Mikey 'Holy Shit, Mikey Way' performance of Sleep. Anything you think is awesome, and available to see.

If you check the posts for the day last year you'll see people posted fanart and pic spams and all sort of good stuff, so if you want to draw something/make icons/create a graphic to celebrate his birthday and then share it at the comm next Saturday that would be amazing.

The motto of MikeyWay_Daily has always been the more Mikey the better, and his birthday is the perfect time to show that ♥

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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