(no subject)

Sep 02, 2011 10:16

Some happy-making things have happened in the last few days.

The bandom reverse bang is going ahead. If you haven't already go check out that post about posting schedules etc.

Gabe and Ryland had a twitter interview and
anoneknewmoose gathered the questions and answers and inlovewithnight posted them ♥ to them both, and then I stole them, because I'm all about any

@huffpostceleb gabe if you could be in a polygamous relationship w/ 2 other bassists who would you choose #huffpostcobra
@claranti les claypool & pete wentz #HuffPostCeleb

@huffpostceleb on a scale of 1 to pete wentz how much would you have sex with mikey way #huffpostcobra
@claranti very much! #HuffPostCeleb

@huffpostceleb who is your favourite waybro #huffpostcobra
@claranti mikey waybro! #HuffPostCeleb

@HuffPostCeleb is ryan ross homeless? #huffpostcobra
@claranti as long as i'm here, he will always have a home

On one hand, those questions /o\ but still, he answered so \o/

Now I want all the stories about Gabe/Mikey Waybro/Pete. Also, that last question. My heart.

Which brings us to. Spencer, Zack and Brendon wishing Ryan happy birthday. The thing is, I'm stupidly over invested in Ryan and Spencer's friendship, so seeing that made me grin so hard. Now I'm just hoping for some Ryan birthday wishes to Spencer today. Well truthfully, what I'm wishing for most is more joint birthday parties but I suspect I'm out of luck in that regard.

MCR site's splash page &them;

I want to read all the fic. All of it. Maybe an AU where they do advice columns always, Ask Mikey and Mat. They'd soon sort people out.

Gerard and Frank's blog posts, which were so wonderful to read. I was on twitter when Frank posted his, and again, being there for that first fannish reaction is a beautiful thing.

syndelar wrote 50 Gerard/Mikey sentences for me, because she's awesome. I do love that kind of thing, it's impressive how much can be said in one sentence.

bandom_fandom a new community set up by myorgangecrush Go check it out.

I plan to read more BBBs later, lots of BBBs. Starting with
crowgirl13's Bang the Doldrums I was lucky enough to be able to read this as a wip so am looking forward to seeing the finished product. Also,
turlough's very excellent art that goes along with it.

The comments I've been getting for my BBB. Seriously, I'm kind of ... wow. Now I want to write all the stories about gross, faily, kinky roomies.

It was my niece's 9th birthday yesterday. She had a party at build a bear and I didn't get one. Unfair! Also, a little time with the in laws goes a long way, I'm just saying.

It's mam's birthday today. She's had some medical issues lately so we bought her a pouffe so she can keep her feet up. Though we actually gave her that yesterday as he feet were so bad when we called in. But I'll be going up with Corey soon to deliver her cards.

I think that's all. Now I'll just sit here and keep catching up on LJ/DW/emails/comments while waiting to be told about Waybros.

ETA: Best twitter discussion about Brian Fucking May and Mikey which has gone from sex to them having discussions about lifestyle choices. I love my friends so much ♥

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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