(no subject)

Sep 11, 2011 11:49

The birthday celebrations at mikeyway_daily went very nicely yesterday. Though man, I'm glad we only do it once a year. No doubt something the people whose friendslists we flooded agreed with.

James is at a scout camp this weekend so I got to lie in this morning, and then have been sitting in my pjs reading BBBs. ladyfoxxx and
sassbandit's both of which I enjoyed a lot.

Though the combination of those stories mean I now have an urge for Mikey centric gsf. Not that it's a new urge, in fact it's a very familiar one. Going along nicely with the one from yesterday which was for manhandling fic. I talked that one out on twitter though so you all got spared that. But yeah, gsf is glorious and there needs to be so much more of it. I could indulge myself and go write in the Embers verse h/c bingo story I have on the go but sadly it's not one set up for sex, not unless magically healing cock is involved and that would be wrong.

I think what I will do is start my gross bandom story as that's due in a few weeks. I was going to do waycest but have decided against that and am writing something set in my wave 2 bbb, I just need to think of the kink they're going to try. Maybe something in the kitchen with the fridge door open, and then voyeurism could come into play as the mould monster watches.

Corey went back to school last week. It's his last year and they change jumper colours then, so it's still weird when I see him in grey and not black. He's also off to visit a university soon and really. Time, where does it go?

A lot of the plants in the garden are finished now, no more picking fresh courgettes and green beans for dinner :( but the tomatoes are finally starting to go red. While I was gardening my engagement ring fell off, and I had to pull all the plant remains out of the green bin to try and find it. Thankfully it had rolled under the gate, but I really need to get the thing resized.

Thank you to squashbee for the vgift on my profile ♥ and to everyone who commented on my last post. I will reply individually to everyone but my in-box is terrifying right now so it may take a while. But seriously, you're all amazing. ♥ always.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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