So why have I not posted? Well for starters, for the past 2 weeks I've been working 8-5 [give or take up to 1/2 hour from start and/or finish since timings vary] at the Tech Museum Summer Camps. When I'm not there, I'm practicing my script and dance for the Goan Convention and piano for my audition. Oh and btw, the Goan Convention is on the upcoming July 4th weekend. And I have to wear a dress. With frills. And swish it around. Sigh.
1) Sharks and Minnows is a dangerous game. If you slip and fall, you could possibly end up with 23 stitches in your knee.
2) How Black Magic is played.
3) Karma happens.
4) IMAX film is HUGE.
5) IMAX also makes me motion sick, apparently.
6) Multimedia Fusion 2 is AWESOME and I WANT it.
7) There are a lot of people who have never even heard of Rick Rolling.
8) There are a lot of people who have heard of Ctrl+Alt+Del.
9) "We're not in a water crisis, we're in America." <- some people really think this.
10) Just because someone works with kids does not mean they are a good role model. In fact, sometimes said people don't even like kids.
11) People don't understand that I am aware when they're just joking.
12) I Wanna Be The Guy is a very impossible, very gory, very addicting game. Cherries kill. (not apples)
13) If a guy is aware that he is hot, he's out of your league. [unrelated]
14) Dropping screwdrivers on potatoes brings out the sadist in you.
15) Dropping things from heights in general is fun.
16) Charades: Fun with Dick and Jane and Hard Candy. Try it in front of little kids. [unrelated]
17) Dresses aren't too absolutely horrible, provided you're careful and you're not in public. [unrelated]
18) 10 year olds think every guy you know is your boyfriend. [unrelated]
19) If you are admired by a 6 year old boy, he may try to kiss or lick you. [unrelated]
20) The song Roller Coaster of Love is by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. [unrelated]
In other news, I got my SAT results back. 700 in SAT2 Literature and 670 in SAT2 Math2. I'm impressed, especially considering I missed the last 10 questions in the math one. I don't think I'll be taking either one again. Oh and I lost the AP Calculus AB summer assignment. Heh heh. Not good. At least I didn't lose the AP English assignment; then I'd REALLY be screwed. Hopefully, I'll manage to find the assignment before the summer ends. I coulda sworn it was still in my backpack. Maybe I took it out?
And now, to end with a meme.
Pick 10 characters from whatever fandoms you like -- and pick LJ usernames for them. Don't peek at the questions until you've made your list!
1 = Zuko = 0xFirexPrincex0 [Avatar]
2 = Katara = South_Water_Girl [Avatar]
3 = Claire = TehCheerleader109 [Heroes]
4 = Sylar = Sylar-Brainsx67 [Heroes]
5 = Ron = RedLion06 [Harry Potter] (from a fanfic)
6 = Hermione = BookwormGirl314 [Harry Potter] (also from a fanfic)
7 = Luna = CrumpleHornedSnorkack12 [Harry Potter]
8 = Jet = Freedom_Fighter1 [Avatar]
9 = Niki = lasvegasniki [Heroes] (haha I'm so creative)
10 = Mai = DaggersnKnives [Avatar]
1) What's the title and subtitle of 4's journal?
Gotta Catch Em All! xD Something to do with being special and having power.
2) What does 9's default usericon look like? What other icons does 9 have?
Prolly a pic. Of herself. Hopefully clothed :P. Don't think she'd be too big on icons, unless they're pretty designs or something.
3) What is 2's favorite community? (real or imagined) How does he/she participate?
Haha some feminist community? With like, rants and articles or something? I dunno much about the different types of communities.
4) Give us a sample of 5's interest list.
quidditch, chess, beating Slytherin, food, magic, not Potions, ...
5) 6 and 1 get in a virtual slapfight about something. What is it? How does it end?
Hermione and Zuko
Ooh haha prolly Zuko being a jerk. Similar to Zutarafights or Heronfights. And of course Hermione wins.
6) 10, 3, and 7 are co-mods of a community. What is it?
Mai, Claire, and Luna
Wow uh, they're 3 different types of people. No clue. If I was a Ron/Luna fan I guess I could say they all like guys they can't have? [Zuko/Mai and Paire]
7) 8 posts a secret to [info]ljsecrets or [info]fandomsecrets: what does it look like and what does it say?
Text: "I never really loved her" Picture: some abstract thing with lots of black and white
8) of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, who is most likely to
Zuko, Claire, Ron, Luna, and Niki
a) post every meme he/she comes across? Luna
b) flock their entire journal? Ron
c) write pr0n? Niki, definately
d) get banned from every community he/she signs up at? Zuko, for rage rants. The banned prince!
e) attract anonymous stalker comments? Claire
9) 2 and 6 are in a relationship IRL, but 8 finds out that 10 has been sending sexy PMs to 2. 8 asks 4's advice, and 4 blurts out the gossip all over his/her LJ. Write a little of the comment thread that follows.
Katara and Hermione in relationship, Jet finds out Mai's been sending PMs to Katara. Jet asks Sylar's advice, who blurts it out.
Wow, umm, Jet stuck in the femmeslashness? And why would he as Sylar for advice?
Freedom_Fighter1: What? Dude, why'd you spill?
> Sylar-Brainsx67: Why'd you trust a murderer?
>> Freedom_Fighter1: Point taken.
South_Water_Girl: Jet, you told? I trusted you. AGAIN. Mione, you mad at me?
>BookwormGirl314: Actually, I'm mad at Mai. She sent the messages.
>> DaggersnKnives: You thought I was serious? Damn, you all are thick.