Done + Fic Again

May 01, 2008 23:17

So I finally finished the Avatar series the other day and I gotta say, Mai and Zuko are my favorite baddies, which is probably why I ship them even though I also ship Zutara and slash Ozai's Angels [what I've heard Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai referred to]. Toph is also awesome. I'm so glad the girls here can be strong AND feminine, and not feminine in the typical way either. Like Mai is feminine but not girly. I think Ty Lee is the only one who I'd classify as girly.

Random fact: Agnee [uh-gnee] is Hindi for 'fire' [Agni Kai?]
Random fact 2: According to Hindu mythology, God has been incarnated as an animal and come down to Earth nine times. [First as a fish, most recently as Buddha] Each incarnation is called an Avatar[uh-vuh-tar]. [So Buddha and that fish are Avatars]

Title: Flexibility
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Azula/Ty [Tyzula]
Genre: Romance?, Lust
Warnings: sexual implications stuff, no spoilers if you know the charries
Notes: Not sure how good the characterization is. :/

Azula never liked guys. Guys were too boring. Guys were just in and out and over with; they had no sense of creativity, open-mindedness, or pleasure on her part, despite the fact that she was the Princess. Worst of all, guys thought quantity was more important than quality. It was similar to war; you may have fought 5 battles in two weeks, but how many of them did you win?
In Azula's mind, girls were not only more creative and open-minded, but they were also more willing to obey. It wasn't easy to straddle a guy when he kept trying to pin you down, thinking that because he was the man, he needed to be in control. A girl would let her sit, and let her have her fun because in the end, it would be more of a mutual pleasure. Who needs men?
She wouldn't admit it, but the real reason why she went back to Ty Lee wasn't just for the Avatar. Ty was sweet, naive, open-minded, flexible, creative, and hot. All in all, everything she wanted in a woman. Her skills of bending over backwards and walking on her hands would certainly come in handy. Above all, Ty was obedient. She looked up to Azula, and although she could be annoyingly naive, it made her all the more willing to do whatever Azula told her to do.
She wasn't concerned with whether or not Ty would mind. Granted, she wasn't openly bi, but Ty was a flexible girl, and she could bend both ways if she needed to.

Mai + Ty = Mai Tai. It works. Mai is the dark rum and Ty is the fruit. :P
I can't bring myself to ship Aang. Not cuz he's innocent - tho he is - but cuz he's not mature yet. Sure he has a crush on Katara but pshht, his blushing every once in five episodes or so isn't gonna bring on much more than a sweet kiss on the cheek from time to time, cuz if he got any more than that, he'd die.
Zutara is love, Maiko is love, Ozai's Angel Slash is awesome, debating on Zucest.
I'm trying to figure out what Maiko+Kataraang would be, because although Kataraang just doesn't work for me, it would if others are involved. Otherwise it's just too sweet. I know Kataraang+Zuko=Zutaraang, but what happens if Mai is thrown into the mix?
Oh, and why is there a lack of Jetara? And Sokkatara is amusing. Not as a ship, as a name. It sounds like SohCahToa [trig anyone?] if you say it aloud.
I'm trying to find someone to mix Azula with to make something with "zilla" in it. :P

I need an Avatar userpic.
When's the new episode gonna be leaked?

avatar, fanfic

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