May 11, 2005 10:38
I received an email from Jared "Ham" Mays this morning. He is living in Chiba prefecture, teaching English. BTW Vanessa, he sends his regards (Texas Vanessa that is). It's good to hear from him after 1.5 years of wondering what happened to him. I was kinda hoping he had drowned to death, or been strangled to death, or had immolated himself, but it was not to be. He's alive and well. He picked Chiba because its close to Tokyo, where his g/f resides. If you have any messages you want me to pass along to him, let me know. Even if you don't know who the hell he is, make up something funny and rude and I'll send your message on to him.
Gotta write a paper today. It's 5-8 pages, so I'm reluctant to start. I already have a basic outline done, so the hardest part is done. I just have to grind out the rest in essay form.
Recently I've been having really strong cravings for Gummy Bears. Not just any Gummy Bears, but ones made in Hungary. I buy them all the time now. I wish I could get a bag that didn't have any green ones in it though. I never even really liked Gummy Bears that much when I was younger, but now I can't live without them. As a matter of fact, its time to buy another bag. I'm out of here.
They say that women get strong cravings to eat strange things like this when they are pregnant. I won't say anything more.