Oct 19, 2014 15:54
- Annoyed at school board who think working at grade level a good reason not to help a disabled student. Refuse to pay for technological aid - ie iPad and keyboard. Might have to buy it myself.
- Still looking for tenant.
- Building is progressing. Less rain please.
- Face/head pain continues. Only 30 days til neurosurgeon appt. Counting them as I'm fed up with daily headache/face pain since - now I look back on it Jan 2012.
- Worky work drains me as I have a 100km round trip drive every day while I'm assessing nurses on IV stuffs, as well as seeing my own patients.
- Wanted to do some of my SCA stuff, got prep done, but had to crash due to FP.
- Need to sort my wardrobe, toss stuff, find stuff, organize.
- Bills need to be sorted and paid. Reciepts sent off for re-imbursment.
stevie ray,
cracked pot