Reaches out and hugs flist

Feb 03, 2013 12:23

Thanks for keeping me sane. My head issues continue sadly - nasty migraine is clinging.
Special thanks to  elise_wanderer and clairvoyant12 for their superlative assistance on the custody reference letter. My brain is so not working. I see new fics at the SS/HG exchange and long to be able to read them. I just don't have he ability to concentrate long enough to read them. Oh, well. They will be there to read when I get better.

Day off today to recover from a busy week. Dear doctor is sending me to specialists re post-concussion syndrome, there are more tests to come, fancy CT scan and even fancier MRI. I have to speak with my supervisor. The shortage of nurses is causing the hapless coordinators to give me grief when I have to hold the line on my workload. I feel bad enough with all the pressures on me re finances, Stevie-Ray's tuition and helping dear brother.

I am putting all my energies towards creating items to sell at the Misti-Con Craft Faire. Will be posting a poll to get some direction on what people might buy. All proceeds will be going towards this year's tuition for Stevie Ray, I've paid $2,000 so far, but need to find another $5,000 or so. I understand there are on-line fundraising sites. Any feedback on which ones are good would be appreciated. He had another stunningly brilliant report card last week. Will post link to scan of it in a few days.

crafts, misti-con, stevie ray, migraine, health, cracked pot

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