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Sep 19, 2016 03:53

I've meant to put up one of these happy posts all month but every bit of free gumption's gone into work (about that...^^), painting or correspondence - luckily tonight I'm a bit wired and so have a bit of extra time ^^ Just got back from Hall & Oates at the Concord Pavillion and it was complete turnabout fun XD It started a (relatively) leisurely day of painting and tv catchup (ok, Adam Ruins Everything has been upgraded to Super Cute, what with the little running narratives and Adam's "Hai Guyz!!" show characterization; Legends of Chamberlain Heights is Ghetto-Hilarious; I've recently gotten a bit hooked on Tiny House Nation - it still sits a little 6_6 with me on how it seems to be using idealized stagings to attract people who would not have the same means at all to the idea of tiny housing, just to get them in general out of the future competition for space, if I'm being cynical about it - but in practice, it's super cute to see them basically make a dolly playset for a real-life couple/family based on their purported needs, which just hits all my cuteness plus efficiency buttons. They might as well call it the Human Playset Tuck-away Box show ^^)...nice to see the judges on the new season of Project Runway are smoking crack straight out of the gate...I may stick around but enh...They played NIN's Hurt on the season finale of Rick and Morty...is that show made for meeee? Okay, I'm getting off track here :P...)

The day was nice but devolved a bit as we discovered our friend T who we hadn't seen in forever and were looking forward to shooting the shit with going to the show together couldn't make it, then we hit all this traffic so we arrived late even though we left early, got grumpy and existential on the ride over, arrived to a squeezingly full lawn...the mood was just lowering fast. The one cool bit was that apparently we'd just missed one opener. I excuse myself to the restroom and come back to the 2nd (apparently unadvertised) opener...of TROMBONE SHORTY AND ORLEANS AVENUE XDDDD I've been trying to get tix to see his ass for a few years now, just missed him earlier this year or last (I don't Time good), so yaaaay! He was set up with his casual performing prodigies, and that shit was LIT. I was transformed from peeved to grinning within the space of a song and kept that way. I MISS MUSIC. The soloists shone, TS did his thang pretending he was holding out a note for like 5 minutes (sucking and blowing, but very convincingly), AND sang clearly and beautifully. It was lively and skillful and just yay <3 I just want to be around there too, jamming and writing and discussing ideas even, if not performing, with the stage fright thing...all I can do is hope I haven't lost my chance completely I guess...and that there are salons of the sort that even welcome women (for intellectual purposes) without competitive requesite credentials, hmm...

Well anyway, Then Hall and Oates came on and as R pointed out, seemed genuinely happy to still be there making music and being famous for it :P I don't mean that in a patronizing way! I mean, not phoning it in <3 Sure there weren't stage pyrotechnics or anything and the set list basically HAD to be restricted to greatest hits lest people get pissed off (I always feel sorry for bands that have been around for so long a period that they have to do that), but Darryl still took vocal risks (a few of which didn't even make it, and as anyone can attest that his voice has been through a LOT in life I'm not mad at that ^^), and the musicians really showed a rapport with each other and things got cute and jazzy with improvs (like with "I Can't Go For That," etc.) Their brass guy is fire. Honestly all of them were great. Poor Oates still seems so sidekicky XD I was moved to dance several times. I had some good writing ideas in the downtime too! A really nice turnabout evening (speaking of, I bought Ace Attorney SOJ, couldn't help myself, after suddenly remembering I owned DD, blasting through it and just finishing including the DLC like last week :P...now I get an uninterrupted new game flow!)

...Hunh, this is kinda long and I need to paint again tomorrow, so I don't think I'm actually gonna get to my positive monthly things post after all :P But soon! And well, by a freakish turn of events, I now find myself employed at the local candy store I've loved all this time, supplementing my painting income while surrounded by candy...it was a thing devoutly to be wished, and now, it is! But there's a lot of time suddenly spoken for, including commute time, so balancing it with painting, keeping good contact with clients (as phones are banned in candy world) and well, doing anything else, that's the challenge right now and I'm grappling with it with gusto. <3

music, personal, television

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