i met my (second) wife on saturday

Mar 07, 2011 10:54


Long story short, there was a fan sign at Egoist in Jamsil Lotte Department Store and luckily my awesome French friend (the one I met at MuCore last year) told me about it at the last minute.  She's so beautiful ;___;  Half of the time I was just at a loss for words.

This is kind of how it went down:
Me: 안녕하세요.
가인: 안녕하세요 /signing autograph
Me: /stare 
       while my brain is screaming, Good God, say something to her!  'I love you!' 'Marry Me!' something! 
        ...전미국에서 왔어요.
가인: 아, 그래요?
Me: 네 *ㅂ*

And then I said thank you and calmly walked away to find a corner to hyperventilate in. Cool.

ga-in, life, kpop

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