(no subject)

Jun 14, 2011 02:10

 So, I'm pretty sure I legit failed my Korean listening final.  While I was panicking and trying to answer the question, my teacher was already reading the passage for the next set of questions.  Now, while I'm supposed to be studying for the next round of tests, I'm just sitting around eating pizza and wallowing in self pity (Mister Pizza 고구마 Gold is effin delicious 8DDD)  And although I'm really disappointed in myself I can't get motivated enough to do anything about it.  Who cares that I'm going to get Bs in all of my classes?  Lol, not me.  (Except I do care because of idek, some inherent Asian belief that equates Bs to failing  D8)   
그리고 남친과 무슨 문제들이 생겼지만 난 상관이 별러 없다. 문제 보다 아무것도 안 하려고 하는게 더 걱정 되는 거 아니야? 곧 미국에 돌아가야 되는데 어떻게 생각 하는지 몰라. 좀 울고 싶은데ㅠㅠ

ETA: I got an A- yayayay~ and so life goes back to being awesome.  I think I should celebrate with pizza.  Or cat gifs.

Fuq yeah.


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