gdi kiku_cha8_8, gdi

Feb 24, 2011 12:46

I got tagged D:

1.  no one will read this because all my lj friends have moved on to twitter and i'm too lazy to get new ones OTL

2.  i have extreme road rage, to the point where i almost got into a fight with a fellow scrawny asian person in a parking lot because he almost ran into my car with his SUV-that-was-clearly-overcompensating-for-some-size-issues.  whatever.

3.  i'm currently studying abroad in korea :D which is not really studying as much as it is shoe shopping and late night karaoke and frequent trips to the convenience store at 2am

4.  ruethereal  is my wife.  we have matching pocket watches and spend hours together in coffee shops, talking about shows no one else watches on BBC and SyFy

5.  i got a hair cut on tuesday.  my hairdresser was just about the most precious thing in the world.  she added me on facebookㅠㅠㅠㅠ

6.  i have no shame when it comes to taking free samples

7.  although i'm half korean, my korean kind of fails and most of the time results in blank faces and me quietly sobbing in a corner.  but it's ok, i make weird facial expressions and hand gestures like a boss.

8.  watermelon chupa chups are so good~

9.  i don't know how to pronounce 'chupa chups' ENGLISH, HOW DO? (is it an 'oo' sound or an 'uh' sound?) ㅠ_____ㅠ

10.  if we're friends, i will take food off your plate without asking (sorry!!);;;

11.  according to anyone who has ever shared a bed with me, i will either end up pushing you against the wall or off the bed with my body (sorry, again)

12.  it took 5 tries to get my license

13.  in spite of 2 and 12, i consider myself a good driver.  i'm quite capable of parallel and reverse parking and steering with one hand while eating a mcdonals ice cream cone with the other...8D

14.  when i was little i used to make ambulance noises when i had to poop.  WHERE DID THIS FACT COME FROM IDE

15.  i think i have a weird noona complex or smth, but it was so cute when my coworkers would call me sica-noona SOB

16.  venti iced caramel macchiato, stirred with soy and an extra shot

17.  my eyesight is terrible.  which sometimes makes people think i'm mad when i'm really just squinting to see their faces ;__;

18.  i love disneyland, partially because i had a ~deprived childhood~ and never went there until i was 17 but mostly because i'm a 5-year-old on the inside :3

19.  i got caught dancing Genie in front of an elevator full of guys.  SIX FLOORS OF AWKWARDNESS

going to stop now because i don't have cool and interesting! things about me 
i hope you're happy nancy D8


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