Yet more test

Jan 25, 2008 22:37

Well at least I will be going back to work, come to find out I was passing my stones here a few weeks ago. They did a few ultra sounds to break them up, it is still pain full but is doesn’t hurt that much any more. My last test was a cat scan to see if I was all clear of the stones...Yet there all gone for no…but some how they found a growth on my left lung. They are not sure as to what it is as of yet... They were not expecting to find what they did so it was a shock to them. So I had to do an X-ray...I will find out what it is. It’s not thing to be too concerned about as of yet. As far as we know it could be just muscle build up. Other wise I am happy to be returning to work I am looking forward to catching up on what I missed. Work for me is kind of like a Soap Opera. Lots of every changing dram for some of my coworkers and guest. I forget who is having a baby shower this month…I know that there is something else I am forgetting as well...It will hit me once I get back to work. The all the test will need to wait till my day off to do. THANK GOD NO MORE HOSPITAL VISITS... I got bruise and poked in place I can’t even mention.
Oh I am taking comic con off I must remember to check vacation to see what is left and put in for that time also I need to buy tickets to sea world witch reminds me I need to look up something 
Besides that I am doing better. I am sore and tired but I guess that’s what happens when you pass stones…The muscles in my side will be sore for a few more weeks. But that is what Pain killers are for
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