The run down

Jan 17, 2008 10:14

oka here is the rundown from christmas till now
I am still on the low fat liquid diet for now cause everything I eat upsets my stomach or I get pain but other wise I am good. I lost 30 pounds, I am out of work till they get all of the test they want done :p they want me to do an upper GI basically I drink thins chalky stuff that they can see through X-ray or MRI and follow it trough so they can "see" whats going on then they want to stick a tube down my throat to see any thing that way......why can't they just take the dam thing out -.-;

How it all started I woke up Christmas Morrning in pain....due to me playing Santa the night befor and crawling through the window I though I bruised or cracked something
I went to the ER and they did a ultrasound ant told me I had gallstones and my gallbladder HAD to be removed .... it gets better
called my doctor the next day 12-26-2007 got the referral to the surgeon got the appointment as soon as they could get me on on Jan2 2008
I went back to work with meds
12-27-08 did okay didn't eat much but worked one whole day the next day
12-28-07 still in pain went back to the ER they told me to UP the pain killers and stay home that wasn't going to happen durring a blocked weekend so I went to work
12-29-2007 I got called into the office to sign some paperwork they were trying to suspend me for leavening early Christmas day with out telling any one(I'll tell you more about that latter ....I sat down and burster in to tears due to the pain I was in I was then token Via ambulance from Pechanga back to the Moreno valley hospital to the ER yet again 45 mile drive
(they gave me morphine that stuff is great!)
my blood pressure was 160/118 I had a temp of 104 my sugar was 43 so yeah I was in the hospital till new years day The Surgeon even came and saw me saying it wasn't infected so I could do an in day out day thing but he said yeah it needed to be removed
(I had 3 test done in the hospital and they each said I had gallstones)

I have been off of work since Dec 28/29th
Jan2 rolls around I get scheduled for surgery Jan 15th and need to do all types of test to get me ready..blood whole abdominal ultrasound exc... and I am still havening pain
but this time with the ultrasound they did not find stones so the canceled the surgery

I am still on the same meds I was on before I went in the hospital to help me cope with it
gotta love havening an HMO

so now here I sit waiting for approval from my insurance company just to have these test done..I just want it over with it's a good thing they gave me the Strongest Vicoden they could possible give some one 7.5 aka 750mg...remember I have been on these since Christmas and was taking a double dose when I was token from work to the hospital and my pain level was 8 to 9.


So sadly I will not be making AO this year sue to this incident I am making my plains for NDK though and I am making graduation plains it should be around NDK time maybe a bit latter
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