
Aug 09, 2008 02:34

geess I kinda died after Christmas huh sorry about that just a lot of things going on and I actually forgot about this blog ::opps:
well no Surgery for my gallbladder I had to pass the stones..that was a month of hell

no help for my bad typing errors as of yet but thank god for spell check

all in all life is stress full as always Jenny doesn't want help raising the boys but she needs help watching am I supose to just watch them hurt them selfs and not do any thing? it is confusing to say the least

I was close to losing my job they had a massive lay off at work up to 500 people lot there jobs

told you it was stress full

I am almost done with school THANK GOD I graduate in late October Early November


this is an Ad I did a bout a month or so ago I am getting pretty good at photoshop
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