30 Days of PR Meme Day 17 & 18

Nov 06, 2010 07:13

OWWW. Knee hurts LOTS.

Translation: Definitely ripped open the skin. It's both red and purple, and I keep thinking I'm still bleeding, but I'm not. In LOTS of pain, all through my leg but mainly in and around my knee. Cannot curl my toes at all. Can barely bend them, and it's hard to flex my foot. This is not normal for me. Pain is consistent, and bad enough that I can't sleep anymore, even though I should be sleeping right now. >.< Also noticed while removing the bandage this morning that my kneecap feels ... odd. Like there's an extra indentation. Which according to my x-rays, there isn't.

-Sighs- Y'know, I was hoping to be the one person who didn't skip any days on this meme. So much for that idea ... -Glares at knee-

Technically snagged from prgirlsrock, but I've been eyeing it since TheSecondBatgirl started it.

1-How did you get into PR?
2-Favorite season
3-Favorite Team
4-Favorite Male Ranger
5-Favorite Female RangerO
6-Favorite sixth Ranger
7-Favorite Color Ranger
8-Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9-Favorite Villain
10-Favorite redeemed villain
11-Favorite villain henchmen
12-Favorite villain sidekick
13-Favorite Monster of the Week
14-Favorite Mentor
15-Favorite Support Staff
16-Favorite Supporting character
17-Favorite Couple (canon)
18-Favorite Couple (Fanon)
19-Favorite friendship
20-Favorite Teamup
21-Favorite HQ
22-Favorite Earth Location
23-Favorite non-Earth location
24-Favorite Zord
25-Favorite Uniforms
26-Favorite morph call/sequence
27-Favorite Morpher
28-Favorite under a spell
29-Favorite storyarc/episode
30-Favorite finale

17-Favorite Couple (canon)
What about if I think they were cannon? Does that count?

1) Tommy/Kimberly. Yeah, yeah, I know. But they were one of the first couples I ever saw on TV as a kid. They taught me what romance was. They protected each other, they argued, they spent time together, they were affectionate, and just all around adored one another. They were sweet, loving, and comfortable together, but there was still chemistry between them. They just ... I can't help but squee over them. They're Tommy and Kimberly!

2) Andros/Ashley, to my surprise. I love how she kept pushing at him until he finally started to accept her in his life. But she never pushed too hard; she knew when to let him be and when not to. And once he slowly began to see how special she was, he was really sweet to her. They proved that you don't have to be on the same planet to find true love.

3) Alex/Jen. He clearly loved her, and she obviously couldn't let go of him when she thought he was gone, even after she knew he wasn't. They saw something in each other that (at least until Wes) no one else did.

Um ... Hmm. I ... don't think I actually liked anyone else in cannon. At least by 'cannon' standards. Oops?

18-Favorite Couple (Fanon)
Clearly I have others I love, but if I listed all the ones I enjoy reading/writing/thinking about, we'd be here all day. Our guys are easily slashable. (Like Sky/Zhane! ^.^V)

1) Wes/Eric. It's very hard to convince me these two aren't cannon, because even people who don't like slash admit they act like jilted lovers for most of their season. They're constantly fighting, arguing, and trying to show each other up, and very obviously have issues they Do Not Talk About, no matter how much Wes admitted to the team. But then when you see them in Wild Force after they made peace with each other, they just fit together so *perfectly*. They don't even have to talk to know what the other is doing; they just ... know.

2) Shane/Dustin, my first pairing I saw on my own! ♥ These two just have this awesome bond as friends, but there are moments ... They're very touchy-feely guys, you know? And Shane is so protective of Dustin! Like he would be with Tori if he didn't already know she'd kick his ass for it. But Dustin just sort of lets him with only mild complaints. He only complains when Shane gets jealous, like when he makes friends with Hunter and Blake.

But the *BEST* moment between them is in All About Beevil. I don't care that it's supposed to be a Dustin/Marah episode. Watch Shane when Marah mocks Dustin and calls him stupid, and Dustin's getting teary-eyed 'cause he's hurt. Shane actually takes a step forward with this totally pissed off/protective look on his face like he's gonna totally jump Marah, and Hunter catches him and holds him back. -Giggles and sighs happily- It makes me squee every time I see it.

3) I spent a lot of time debating whether I like Leo/Kai more than Sky/Bridge, or Sky/Bridge more. I finally put Sky/Bridge as my next favorite, because while Sky is often a total asshole to Bridge, when he's not, he's very protective of him. And Bridge clearly likes and admires Sky. Plus he knows when not to take Sky's attitude seriously. So Sky can be as much of a jerk as he wants, and Bridge just lets it go. Which, admittedly, is more Bridge being Awesome then anything to do with Sky, but I like to think of it as one of those aspects of their relationship that Bridge just knows when Sky's trying to hide what he really feels.

And when he's *not* hiding it, like in Missing? Sky was *freaked* over Bridge being kidnapped. Jack may have been the one searching, but even Piggy was like "Sorry? You said, you're sorry. Something *must* be wrong." And the look on Sky's face for most of that episode ... He may be a jerk most of the time, but it's clear there that Bridge is very important to him.

I consider it a bonus that their powers could probably work together, allowing Sky to protect Bridge from the emotions and auras outside one of his shields. Which is mostly in my head, but it still makes me happy to think about. ^_^

4) Leo/Kai is hilariously awesome. Leo does stupid things, and Kai gets so pissed at him, even when everyone else is like 'Meh. That's just Leo.' They're like a mild version of Wes/Eric with their arguing. And when they actually stop fighting long enough to work together? Look out world.

But the fact that Kai worries so much about Leo is sign that he cares about him. And Leo slowly (eventually) starts to notice this, even if he doesn't change anything about himself. It works because Kai has someone to look out for, Leo has someone trying to keep him alive, and there's still plenty of fire between them to keep things interesting.

Danny/Max may not have made the list as one of my *favorites* - namely because I haven't watched most of Wild Force, seeing as it's a bit too much crackfic for me in one season >.O - but I just had to add that I am so with TheSecondBatgirl on this one. That 'trip around the world' at the end of their season was *totally* a honeymoon.

power rangers, meme, knee problems, rants

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