November is the Month of DOOM.

Nov 06, 2010 00:24

I find it highly ironic that I have theorized that the Rangers believe this to be true, seeing as most of our season finales take place in November (a.k.a. the worst of the villains attacks always happen then). But I have my own reasons for my extreme dislike of this month. Bad memories, health issues coming back with a vengeance ...

But today ... oh, today.

I was in a pretty good mood today. Not that I was doing anything particularly important, but I had a fun time getting ready to go out tonight with purplestripe66 to our Write-In for NaNoWriMo at my new favorite used bookstore. 'Cause hey, NaNo, socializing, and most importantly, COFFEE.

And then I tried to walk out the door.

My understanding (after piecing things together with Ruby later) is that the welcome mat slid out from under my left foot, sending me crashing down on the cement walkway. My laptop case went flying, I landed on my left thigh - fortunately for me, seeing as I have very 'cushy' thighs - and my right leg went flying into the stucco wall of the house to my immediate right.

I actually whited-out from pain. Then spent five minutes trying to breathe and whimpering 'Ow' over and over while purplestripe hovered and tried to ask if I was okay. I think I actually sat there for about ten minutes, attempting to think past the pain. It felt like my knee was on fire, and I couldn't move my foot or flex my toes at all.

Eventually we got me up and into my room to sit on my bed. I stared at my knee, which was bleeding, swelling, and had a giant purple spot in the direct center, and trying to figure out how bad it was. I finally decided after some prompting that yeah, I probably needed a hospital seeing as I was in LOTS of pain and could barely move my knee or foot and toes at all. Thankfully I still have my crutches due to my *other* knee injury, the one from work, which is how we slowly got me out to the car.

Of course, about halfway to the hospital I started having second thoughts about whether or not I actually needed a *hospital*, and finally called my Shi-chan, who used to be a CNA and has more experience with knee injuries than I do. She told me to go.

I have really bad luck with hospitals. And doctors. And injuries. So I wasn't holding out for a great experience, but I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Namely because I was in lots of pain and was fairly sure I'd broken something by that point, seeing as I could still barely move anything and couldn't stop shaking.

I had high hopes at first: they brought me a wheelchair immediately and had me in a room in less than five minutes. I got a tetnus shot and my knee was cleaned up. My foot and knee x-rayed in less than an hour, which required forcing me to bend them both in the appropriate angles to have the shots taken. Yeah, that was ... ow. *Lots* of ow. >.<

Long story short, I didn't break anything. However, I am still in consistent pain and can't bend my leg or stand any sort of movement. The hospital royally pissed off Ruby because they eventually gave me pain meds (after I was in enough pain that I actually started crying because it was getting worse, not better) and just sent me home. I have a prescription for painkillers, a knee brace that had me whimpering and crying when they tried to put it on, and instructions to ice my knee, stay off it for a few days, and in three-five days - once the swelling goes down - go to the doctor they referred me to and possibly have an MRI if I'm not any better. They didn't think anything of the fact that I still hurt, was hurting more, and pretty much couldn't do anything until the swelling goes down. Oh, and they kept trying to do my financial aid stuff while I was in so much pain I could barely talk, let alone sign or fillout paperwork, so Ruby had to field that one for me. Best part? They didn't even help us out the door. Ruby had to try and carry my crutches, her bag, and wheel me out through the front door, for which the automated button wasn't working. >.<

We ran around finding me coffee and dinner, and Ruby's going to grab my painkillers tomorrow when she has to go out. ♥ I also called my Shi-chan again to let her know what the hospital said, and was given instructions on how to ice *and* heat my knee, and what to watch out for and pay attention to. Seeing as she's been living with knee pain for years, I'm trusting her judgement over anyone else's.

So ... basically, I'm *still* in pain, although either the meds or the caffine have dulled it down to a tolerable level, I can't move much, and I still don't know what I did, just that it hurts. LOTS. And I'm totally going to be one giant, immobile bruise tomorrow. Hopefully it's not going to get bad enough to make me cry again.

Gods, I fucking HATE November. >.<+++

knee problems, rants

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