If the Buddha Got Stuck, Step Two

Sep 10, 2010 18:16

Dear Self;

The Four Noble Truths
- Life inevitably includes suffering or difficulty.
- Life is painful or difficult because of our attachments. It's our attachment to something different than the situation itself that causes suffering.
- Ease and peace of mind are possible.
- The path toward greater ease and peace is found in the Eightfold Path. (Wisdom, Ethics, and Meditation)

Everything is dynamic, alive, interacting, and in motion - the cells, molecules, atmosphere, thoughts, plants, animals. You are a fluid process interchanging energy with everything around you - the air, water, food, people, weather, scenery, relationships.

"That's just the way I am - at this moment."

To be alive is to drop whatever creates a rigid framework, and accept the ever-changing flow of life.

Everything rises and falls from one source, one energy. While we are studiously working to finish a project, arguing with our mate, or upset because we gained ten pounds, the earth continues to spin around the sun, gravity is keeping our feet on the ground, animals are hunting for food, rivers are running, clouds are gathering moisture, and people all over the world are having their own struggles, sometimes similar to ours, and often more challenging, and it's all part of one energy.

But from a bigger perspective, we are remember it's all part of one journey - our personal journey and that of all people. Whatever we experience, others are cycling through the same emotions and struggles - albeit with different rhythms, settings, and costumes.

It's important to come into reality and say, "This isn't working, I'm not doing well, I need to leave."

We can remember that in many ways, we're following life as it comes to us. So remember, make your best effort, let go of the outcome, then relax and enjoy the passing show.

Showing up means doing less of what drains you and more of what feeds your life.

You don't have to be totally confident, fearless, or clear. Life sometimes is uncertain, blurry, and confusing, and you can still take action.

There is our momentary experience - and when we deny it, we deny ourselves.

You already knew this. Stop forgetting it.

All My Love,
Sunshine ☀

P.S. I still love you. ♥

sunshine thoughts

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