Day of Awesomeness.

Sep 10, 2010 17:54

Reasons Why Today is Awesome:

purplestripe66 gave me lots of coffee.

♥ Finally went with my gut and inspiration and wrote the Cover Letter of Awesomeness that is totally not generic, and will definitely get someone's attention. Hopefully the good kind.

♥ Learning that GoTo Horoscope is blocked from the mall's internet for 'sexual content'.

♥ Realizing I need to start wearing a belt with my favorite jeans again!

♥ Puppies!

♥ Brother waking up to return my phone call, even though he had work in a few hours, because I was stressing over a car issue.

♥ Brother calling again later just to offer us another option.

♥ Getting free Cheetos(tm) and temporary tattoos from the inflatable Chester Cheetah mascot and his bodyguard at Wal-Mart.

♥ Free chocolate sample.

♥ MOP!



♥ Letter from Mom.

♥ Being told I sound 'mature and spiritual'. -Giggles-

♥ Discovering the song Mosquito, by SR-71.

♥ Being able to remember things!

blood family, sunshine thoughts, shiny, heart family, phoenix family

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