Anime Rewatch Episodes 17 & 18

Oct 04, 2013 09:08

This is the post for discussing the next two episodes of our community anime rewatch. Feel free to join in anytime!

Episode 17: Sakura's Scary Test of Courage

Episode 18: Sakura, Yukito, and the Summer Festival

Discuss anything about these episodes you like: the animation, the pacing, the characters and relationships (family, friends, or romantic), the plotting, the overall arc and mythos, comparisons to the manga, moments you appreciate or those that bug you, plot holes and fanwanks, magical girl tropes, the costumes, the music, and so on....

Is rewatching giving you new insights or inspiration for fic writing? A new appreciation (or dislike) for certain characters?

If you voted for this community rewatch and discussion but haven't participated yet, what's holding you back? Will you be joining in at some later point? What would make this more worthwhile to you?

anime discussion

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