mostly books

Feb 22, 2023 23:37

What I just finished reading:
for the good of the realm: stories of power and defiance, which i mostly enjoyed. by which i mean there was one story i had a hard time getting into but i liked the rest of them. they all approached the theme in different ways, which is kind of what you want in an anthology.

also wash day diaries, written by jamila rowser and drawn by robyn smith. it was originally a kickstarted mini comic about - surprise - a black girl's hair care routine, but now it's been expanded to be not just about her but her three friends too. there's a lot of hair care and super cute friend interactions and the whole thing is such a love letter to black girl hair and black girl friends.

What I am reading now:
legends and lattes, by travis baldree, in which an orc hangs up her sword after twenty years of adventuring to open a coffeeshop in a city where no one even knows what coffee is. it's billed as high fantasy, low stakes, and it's very cute and so far just what i wanted.

What I'm going to read next:
i don't know. maybe something with high stakes this time.

i worked from home today because i have to be in on friday and i had the. hardest. time. concentrating this morning. the afternoon was ok - did i mention i joined a gym? i did, last year, but i finally started going - but the morning, pfft. yesterday we took the admin liaison out for lunch - i think her last day is tomorrow - we went out for chinese food and i not only took my own leftovers home (i ate all the eggplant and shrimp and just had fried rice leftover) but also one of the other admins didn't want hers. so guess what i had for breakfast. :D one of the perks of working from home and to be honest i don't know if my concentration would have been any better if i'd gone in.

it snowed yesterday morning. :DDD not enough to have to shovel but enough to make the sidewalks a little slushy. i was very excited. now if it would just snow a little more, just one more time. i just want a little more winter in my winter and i don't think that's too much to ask.

snow, wednesday reading meme, nerd support

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