there are birds inside my house and i do mean inside

Mar 22, 2022 01:23

welcome to spring, o my flist. it's definitely coming in like a lion, because today was HECKIN WIMDY. i worked from home so i mostly sat around the house thinking "wow, i'm glad i don't have to be out in that" and "any second now someone's trash barrels are going to blow out of their yard and down the street".

we somehow have birds in the ceiling of the bathroom. apparently there's a hole in the side of the house and birds just... flew in and made a nest. wtf. makes me wonder if the girls who live upstairs can hear birds under their bathroom floor.

last night my curling team lost *sigh* and
celli's doppelganger was there again. there was a bonspiel over the weekend so i volunteered in the kitchen on saturday, which meant i spent an hour and a half washing and sanitizing dishes and an hour and a half trimming and cutting green beans, and the rest of the (four hour!) shift looking for serving silverware and taking hors d'oeuvres up to the loft. (it was a 1920s themed bonspiel with a bartender up in the loft, in addition to the actual bar on the main floor.) there was SHRIMP COCKTAIL. which i did not eat - ok, i had two shrimp - because it was for the curlers, not the kitchen volunteers. and then i came home and watched a lot of astrid and lilly save the world (still adorable) and had two - count 'em - cheese quesadillas for dinner because i was just craving melty cheese and griddle grease. they were exactly what i wanted.

ye olde bangge bang is now 12k, go me, but i think i've hit a wall. >.< also working on a retelling of tristan and isolde for writing group - i think i've mentioned - which brings me to the "pick the flist's creative brains" portion of this post. :D namely! i need a band name. kind of folk rock, and the kind of band that will occasionally cover more straightforward rock songs with the guitar parts adapted for fiddle.

bigbang 2022, wtf, the flist knows all, curling

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