in which i eat too much for lunch

Mar 17, 2022 23:04

happy st patrick's day and a happy purim! my roommate made green hamentaschen last night to cover all her bases. (the dough looked kind of spinachy before she baked them, and then it looked kind of pistachio-y. tasted like hamentaschen dough, tho. kind of like shortbready sugar cookies, except not as sweet. and now we're out of baking powder.)

the admins at work had a st pat's day lunch (which we ordered from a jewish-ish deli...) and in addition to whatever lunch each of us ordered - i had a corned beef sandwich, because it seemed appropriate - there was irish soda bread, and irish butter to go with, and one of the admins brought a red velvet cake, and another admin ordered cupcakes altho they didn't come until we were finished, and there was chocolate, and the lunches were pretty big anyway (mine came with cole slaw, a tiny fruit salad, a cupcake, a bag of chips, and a mint) (i love that it came with a mint), and i may or may not have brought a lot of it home. it was a good time. the admins are a fun bunch.

one of my pi's has a giant octopus squishable in her office. her husband got it for her. is that or is that not COMPLETELY ADORABLE?

last friday because i worked from home i cleaned the bathroom (because it was gross) and swept my bedroom floor (because it was gross) and tomorrow when i work from home i'm going to... do laundry. because i'm running out of clean shirts. yes, you all need to know this. also i need to vacuum. someone hold me accountable!

dolly parton was nominated for induction into the rock and roll hall of fame. she declined, because she's not a rock&roll star.

remember the thirteen ukrainians on snake island who, when confronted by a russian warship telling them to surrender, told it "russian warship, go fuck yourself"? their defiance has been commemorated on a stamp. the ukrainian postal service held a contest and got 500 entries, altho you can only see the top twenty.

you can see the manuscripts that were saved by the badass librarians of timbuktu. SO COOL. (they're on this site which has a lot of stuff about malian art and culture and music and history that i haven't had time to go through. but there's A LOT and it looks super interesting.)

remembering the first three women to climb everest - the first was a japanese woman, followed like eleven days later by a tibetan woman, followed by a polish woman. bad. ass.

books, stamps, cool shit, badass women, dolly parton, psa, jewstuff, nerd support

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