you put the douche in fiduciary

Mar 15, 2022 01:09

happy pi(e) day, o my flist. (i celebrated with a mini blueberry pie from the grocery store.) and my fellow americans, welcome to daylight savings. :|

two very important things i forgot to mention last week - a. it snowed on thursday (yay) and i wore the wrong shoes (boo), and b. the u where i work has... a banana room. which is exactly what it sounds like. (a room. full of bananas. open 24/7. in case any students need a snack.) now i know where to go if i need a banana fix.

there was a woman at curling a week ago who looked weirdly like
celli. i kept looking over thinking "is that... wait." they say everyone has a doppelganger somewhere but i don't expect to see them at the curling club.

(we lost that game. we tied yesterday, which isn't as bad as losing altho it isn't winning either. next week we might actually win. possibly.)

on saturday my sister and i saw death on the nile which was ok? there seemed to be a lot of movie that i guess was supposed to set things up before the death, and even then i wasn't sure why everyone on the boat a. wanted the dead person dead, and b. was even there. also i figured out who the murderer was way before the reveal. kenneth branagh was fun to watch, tho, and i generally like those kinds of ensemble movies. and it was very pretty, altho a lot of it was very clearly greenscreen or cgi.

now you've seen pics of the sunken endurance, have some pics of the creatures living on it.

national park service lego vignettes - little lego vignettes mostly related to assorted national parks. so cute, so fun.

this is just a sweet and vaguely historical article about bonnie and clyde and the author's grandfather.

lego, bonnie & clyde, movies, under the sea, pi day, curling, nerd support

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