did i waste october? i did! am i panicking? i am not!

Oct 31, 2020 23:44

happy halloween, o my flist.

it's hard to see but the sign says "costume not required :) ". so i took a peanutbutter cup.

i should probably be watching something scary, because halloween, but instead it's the queen's gambit. chess prodigies beat ghoulies and ghosties any day. (also i can't think of anything scary i haven't seen that i want to. and dudley dursley merrick harry melling is in it.)

nano starts tomorrow, by which i mean after midnight tonight, and while i'm not totally ready, i'm not panicking. i was totally caught off-guard when someone mentioned it on the boston wrimo discord, tho, because i know that today's halloween but i did not remember that november comes after that. >.< i mean, what even is time? i wasted all of preptober - every year i have plans and every year i waste my time - but whatever, i know how the story starts, i'm not concerned. yet.

thursday i decided i wanted an actual desk and spent some quality time trying to find one and figure out where to put it. (i don't have that big an apartment.) why i decided this now and not, like, two months ago i don't know - i don't want to wait for it to be delivered and the one i found is from ikea and it's out of stock at the store. but it would be so nice to have an actual dedicated place to swear at my nanonovel, once it gets to the point where i'm swearing at it. also i'm tired of sitting at the dining room table.

on this date in 2000, one astronaut and two cosmonauts launched from kazakhstan for the international space station, and people have been living there continuously ever since.

have a history of trick-or-treating in the us. whether you did or did not get trick-or-treaters at your house.

twinning - a short and disturbing story for halloween. i feel i should warn for body horror.

halloween, furniture, international space station, the queen's gambit, nanowrimo

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