parasite?? apologize!

Oct 17, 2020 23:22

(venom is on. this movie never gets any less weird and tom hardy never gets any less bugnuts.)

i got my mail-in ballot on thursday! because apparently the quickest way to get it is to bitch that you haven't. >.< i dropped it in a ballot drop box today which means i have OFFICIALLY VOTED GO ME. ahem. for those americans in the audience who have already voted, go you. \o/ for those who haven't, i assume you have a plan to do so.

i have opinions about people who can vote but don't, and they are VERY JUDGEY opinions.

anyway. i used that as an excuse to take a nice long walk in the sunshine. there's a plant store in the square now - have i mentioned this before? - and one of the signs in front of it said "aloe there!" heh. there were some people politely waiting to go in, because it's a small store and they're limiting the number of customers at a time. i got an iced vietnamese coffee (which was slightly more coffee and slightly less vietnamese than i was hoping for) and a brownie and sat outside for a bit because did i mention it was sunny? i need to take advantage of the nice weather while it lasts.

last night i watched ricordi? (in its original italian with english subtitles!) which is almost two hours of sad luca marinelli with long hair. for once he wasn't a hyperactive crazy person, and the hair was mostly a good look. (altho i did find some occasions in which to tell the screen that he needed a haircut.) his co-star was super cute and looked familiar, and she played the happy half of the couple. it kind of had a plot? sort of? mostly it's about two people falling in and out of love and remembering events differently, and occasionally inaccurately. it takes place over several years but because it's kind of a vague movie - i mean, the characters don't even have names, they're just "lui" and "lei", he and she - it's hard to tell how much (or when) time has passed. i think i liked it altho all the sad was kind of exhausting, altho at the same time luca has a good face for it. and now i can check another totally random movie of his off the list.

the history of mashed potatoes - potatoes were born in south america and have been eaten there for thousands of years, but the mashed potato was introduced to european palates by a french dude in the eighteenth century. leave it to the french.

a twitter thread of cats walking on stuff. like manuscripts. and clay tiles.

nasa sent a new space toilet to the international space station. space. toilet. :D presumably it's an improvement over whatever space toilet is already installed in the iss.

there's a town in germany called wuppertal, which has one of the only suspension railways in the world. it's also the oldest suspension railway in the world. it's VERY COOL.

if you're curious about private investigators, and you have some time to kill, here's an interesting article about pi's in san francisco in the 60s and 70s. the article is about the reporter almost as much as it's about san fran pi's, and honestly i don't care about him, but the various personalities doing investigative work are really interesting.

and if you're more interested in the roaring 20s, specifically the 20s as immortalized by f scott fitzgerald, here ya go. :D

this is just fun - a poster of buck rogers characters and spaceships from 1934.

during ww2 the us war department sent a bunch of surveys to ultimately half a million servicemen to get their opinions of... everything. including race relations, when they surveyed black soldiers. all those surveys have been transcribed by volunteers.

the economics of vending machines - in case you were considering a side gig (or full time gig) as a vending machine owner. i was surprised to learn it's a thing regular people do, and that vending machines aren't all owned by vending machine conglomerates or something.

westbeth artists housing in nyc was opened in 1970 as the first federally subsidized artists' colony in the us. about 60% of the original tenants are still there. because if you had a subsidized live/work space in manhattan, would you give it up? you would not.

dolly parton is a national treasure. she's had a career longer than i've been alive and is still as fabulous and iconic as she ever was.

what is this ridiculous fixation, movie review, ww2, international space station, cool shit, architectural nifty, outer space, public transportation is the best transp, dolly parton, historical food, cats, economics, voting, i love where i live, f scott fitzgerald

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