did i forget something? i feel like i forgot something.

Sep 02, 2020 00:23

i have acquired a thumb drive from tamalinn so i could copy the rest of my shit from my old laptop to the new one. i have to recreate all my playlists on itunes, but whatever, at least i managed to move everything over. i feel all accomplished n' shit.

did i mention i finished the santa clarita diet? i did. it ended on SUCH A CLIFFHANGER OMG. but i really liked it - it's weird and sweet and surreal and kind of gross and funny and just super cute. and also weird, did i mention the weird? except for the CLIFFHANGER OMG. but the three seasons leading up to the end were totally worth watching. i even pimped it to the family unit on sunday. :D

now that i'm done with that i've moved on to a rewatch of trust, the miniseries about the kidnapping of john paul getty iii, grandson of jp getty senior, the richest man in the world. which i may or may not be watching for luca marinelli, from the old guard. he plays the lead kidnapper and he's an awful person with awful 70s hair and an awful 70s mustache and awful 70s clothes and is still somehow unfairly hot. i saw the show when it first aired - it also has brendan fraser and donald sutherland, and i'd seen all the money in the world which is about the same thing [1] - and did i recognize luca in the old guard? i did not. at all. maybe because he's not playing an awful person in ugly clothes? or because he looks like a suburban dad? or he speaks way more english than italian? who knows! i'm enjoying trust, in any case. i mean, an unfairly hot italian and also brendan fraser in a cowboy hat. there is no bad here.

dad's birthday zoom on sunday went well, except (i learned later) one cousin never got the invite - because he never rsvp'd - and thus felt kind of neglected (to which i wanted to say "i said right there in the email, rsvp and i'll send you the invite - i thought you guys were busy"), and another cousin who did rsvp and did get the invite couldn't come because it took longer than expected for her to take her oldest kid back to college. (to which i thought but did not say "if they're bringing everyone back to campus, i expect him to be going home again in three weeks.") but overall, a good time was had. even tho my cousin j and her hubs were eating dinner at the same time and made me hungry. >.< they'd ordered in indian food and i'm a sucker for a good saag paneer. i like my cousins. they're a generally fun bunch.

no one noticed my cute shorter hair, tho. just cousin k, who hasn't seen me in like a year. hmph, fam. hmph.

speaking of food, there's a nice mexican restaurant down the street from me that serves... grasshopper tacos. i admit to being curious but ultimately i'm not quite that adventurous an eater. i'd definitely try the cactus, tho. i saw that yesterday on my walk, in addition to a non-trivial number of bunnies. so many bunnies!

channing tatum wrote a kids' book! and dedicated it to his daughter, natch. he really is a very charming potato.

[1] all the money in the world has michelle williams and christopher plummer to recommend it, however brendan fraser's character is played by mark wahlberg, and... no. just no. dude is totally outclassed. watch trust instead. it's more of a time commitment but you get brendan fraser. :D and the unfairly hot italian in the ugly clothes.

channing tatum, what is this ridiculous fixation, santa clarita diet, food, triumph over technology, fun with the fam

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