bawk bawk, bitch

Aug 30, 2020 02:19

i went to my sister's tonight to watch crazy rich asians and eat chinese food. we've both seen it a bunch of times, but sometimes you just need a sweet and predictable romance movie about attractive, likable people eating delicious looking food (seriously, there's so much eating in this movie) and being in love in a stunningly gorgeous part of the world. it's very soothing.

i got my new laptop on thursday (fedex says they delivered it at 8:41a but they sure didn't ring the doorbell, so i drove down to the package depot that night to pick it up) and realized i couldn't transfer stuff from the old one via wifi because... the keyboard is fucked up from having tea spilled on it, and i thus couldn't type my password to access the transfer manager or whatever it's called. >.< so i acquired a usb adapter today - because apple changes things every six months or so and now usb ports are passe - and started transferring through my external drive. which requires putting stuff on the drive from the old laptop and then pulling it from the drive onto the new laptop. which is slow and kind of a pain, but it works! and then my external drive gave up the ghost, and while everything that was on it is still accessible, i can't put anything on it or take anything off it. which means i can't use it to move stuff from my old laptop. and i still have a ton of shit to move. so i need ANOTHER way. why is this such a pain??

no one on zoom brunch this morning noticed my new hair. the stylist cut like three inches off! it's VERY CLEARLY SHORTER. hmph.

i've now finished four out of seven prompts for fate's plaything and am partway through a fifth. woot. there's slightly less smut than i was expecting, but whatever.

also today is my dad's birthday. (and my cousin k's birthday!) everyone wish them a happy. :D

earlier this week the milwaukee brewers and cincinnati reds canceled their game to protest the cops shooting jacob blake in wisconsin. then another team canceled. then major league soccer. then the nba. some of the news was calling it a boycott, but no. that's a strike, folks. that's the workers stopping work in protest. basketball arenas that are actually owned by the teams (as opposed to being owned by the city or a trust or something else) are going to be turned into polling places where possible, to help boost the the number of places people can vote, in large enough spaces for good social distancing. players and team owners using their powers for good! i love it.

and then the awful news, chadwick boseman. he was such a talent and from the little i knew about him seemed like a genuinely good guy. rest in power, man. you were amazing. you'll be missed.

sports, strike!, rip, triumph over technology, fate's plaything, movies, hair, psa, beaten by the technology

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