
Aug 27, 2020 01:42

What I just finished reading:
wolf hall FINALLY. (apparently i started it in the beginning of june.) i enjoyed it a lot, even tho anne boleyn was a raging bitch the whole way through and i just could not understand why henry viii was so hot to marry her that he kind of caused the british monarchical version of a constitutional crisis. i wonder how sympathetic thomas cromwell was in real life, because he's kind of sympathetic in the book. he's a great protagonist.

What I am reading now:
i just finished wolf hall so i haven't started anything new, but the landlady's granddaughter loaned me house of leaves, by mark z danielewski, so that's next. if i can't get through it, there's either a tourist's guide to the ideal london, by derek des anges (aka
apiphile), or bring up the bodies which is the sequel to wolf hall. but I'm going to make a good-faith effort on house of leaves first.

What I'm going to read next:
either a tourist's guide to the ideal london or bring up the bodies - depending on whether i want fantastical or strictly historical.

in other news, I GOT MY HAIR CUT TODAY AND I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT. it's shorter! it's off my neck! it's curly and cute instead of kind of a mess! afterwards i went into the bakery across the street from the salon for a cream puff and walked out with two black and white cookies because they were buy one get one free and i'm weak. i ate one and the other one may or may not be breakfast tomorrow. because that's one of the perks of being an adult. :D

the other thing i did today was try and schedule meetings between one of my pi's and his advisees, because class registration is monday. (not this week as i originally thought.) there are only six of them and since they all got the same email - "hi, i'm so and so, prof j wants to meet with you for twenty minutes on monday, is [time] ok?" - i just copy-pasted and changed the names and times. except for the email i forgot to change the name, so jessica got a message that started "hi kevin!" >.< and the one student who wrote back "i'm 9.5 hours ahead of boston time, so 4p is a little late for me...." oops.

this article is pretty sicily-specific, but i think the idea is global - some of the dishes you think of as "yours" (like, from a specific cultural or geographic area) are actually the result of wars and invasions.

in honor of today being the day the nineteenth amendment was certified, meaning the government officially announced it had been added to the constitution, have a poem.

Birthday, birthday, hurray, hurray
The 19th Amendment was ratified today

Drum rolls, piano rolls, trumpets bray
The 19th Amendment was ratified today

Left hand bounces, right hand strays
Maestro Joplin is leading the parade

Syncopated hashtags, polyrhythmic goose-steps
Ladies march to Pennsylvania Avenue!

Celebrate, ululate, caterwaul, praise
Women’s suffrage is all the rage

Sisters! Mothers! Throw off your bustles
Pedal your pushers to the voting booth

Pram it, waltz it, Studebaker roadster it
Drive your horseless carriage into the fray

Prime your cymbals, flute your skirts
One-step, two-step, kick-ball-change

Castlewalk, Turkey Trot, Grizzly Bear waltz
Argentine Tango, flirty and hot

Mommies, grannies, young and old biddies
Temperance ladies sip bathtub gin

Unmuzzle your girl dogs, Iowa your demi-hogs
Battle-axe polymaths, gangster moms

Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucy Burns and Carrie Chapman Catt

Alice Paul, come one, come all!
Sign the declaration at Seneca Falls!

Dada-faced spinsters, war-bond Prufrocks
Lillian Gish, make a silent wish

Debussy Cakewalk, Rachmaninoff rap
Preternatural hair bobs, hamster wheels

Crescendos, diminuendos, maniacal pianos
Syncopation mad, cut a rug with dad!

Oompa, tuba, majorette girl power
Baton over Spamalot!

Tiny babies, wearing onesies
Raise your bottles, tater-tots!

Accordion nannies, wash-board symphonies
Timpani glissando!
      The Great War is over!

Victory, freedom, justice, reason
Pikachu, sunflowers, pussy hats

Toss up your skull caps, wide brim feathers
Throwing shade on the seraphim

Hide your cell phones, raise your megaphones!
Speak truth to power
            and vote, vote vote!


Nitwit legislators, gerrymandering fools
Dimwit commissioners, judicial tools
Toxic senators, unholy congressmen
Halitosis ombudsmen, mayoral tricks
Doom calf demagogues, racketeering mules
Whack-a-mole sheriffs, on the take

Fornicator governators, rakehell collaborators
Tweeter impersonators, racist prigs
Postbellum agitators, hooligan aldermen
Profiteering warmongers, Reconstruction dregs

Better run, rascals      better pray
We’ll vote you out      on judgement day!

Better run, rascals      better pray
We’ll vote you out      on election day!

--"19th Amendment Ragtime Parade", Marilyn Chin

sometimes i'm kind of an idiot, hair, food, wednesday reading meme, poetry, baked goods, nerd support

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