hi lj, it's been a while

Nov 12, 2017 19:31

it's been a long time since i last posted, hasn't it. since then, i've voted (yay), worked (of course), made progress on the nanonovel (still don't know where it's going), hosted writing group (fun), met my cousin and her fam and her sister my other cousin and my sister for dinner (fish tacos!), and baked bread (crusty). and went grocery shopping at the new wegmans, which is a. HUGE, and b. A ZOO. but also closer than the other wegmans.

i have not however called my parents. >.< i should maybe do that.

if you could vote and you did vote, go you. :D my ballot was one mayor and several aldermen, so not very exciting. (the mayor won by a lot. people like him.) mostly as reminders for me, i need to mention the first turbaned sikh mayor in new jersey (ravinder bhalla), the first trans woman elected to the virginia legislature (danica roem), the first black mayor in montana (wilmot collins, who is not only the state's first black mayor but also a man who came to this country as a refugee from liberia), and a bunch more i can't remember because i didn't think to save any links. >.< sometimes voters do the right thing.

oh, a politician in new jersey who joked about the women's march was unseated by a woman who ran against him because she was so pissed off he said that. also a gay guy who was denied a marriage license by kim davis is considering running against her. his name is david ermold and i imagine he'd actually do the job he'd be paid to do.

i'm all caught up on my tv - dirk gently continues to not make much sense but at least things seem to be connecting in some fashion, mr robot also continues to not make much sense but i figure at some point i'll know what's going on and who's working with who (theoretically), i'm bummed the good place is on hiatus, supergirl continues to be adorable altho this past week's episode made me really sad, and is anyone watching damnation? it's about rural labor organizers in the 30s which is pretty much smack in my wheelhouse, and it has christopher heyerdahl! who is apparently in everything. and the pilot takes place mostly in iowa but also in... harlan, kentucky. :D i may or may not have imagined givenses and crowders among the crowds of miners in those scenes.

twitter went to 280 characters, which personally i think kind of defeats the purpose, but a bunch of british (and canadian?) emergency services and also nasa really got into the extra character limit. i love twitter nerds.

did i mention i baked bread? i did. it used up my four egg yolks. i've never made bread so it could've been good or it could've been a disaster, but i think it turned out ok. the crust is VERY crusty but the inside is nice and soft and full of pecans. it also has craisins which are EXCEPTIONALLY CHEWY and keep getting stuck in my teeth. >.< but yay, bread!

and now i have to go curl because we have the 8:30 draw. i HATE the 8:30 draw.

politics, the good place, twitter, mr robot, damnation, baked goods, nanowrimo, fun with the fam, dirk gently, nasa is full of nerds, supergirl, weekend wrapup, curling

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