i need a good festive flourless dessert!

Dec 27, 2015 23:23

by which i mean, i've been invited to my sister's friend's house for new year's, and it's potluck, and the hostess has celiac disease, which means i need a festive gluten-free dessert. i made flourless chocolate cookies for passover, but i don't know if i liked them enough to make them again. they were very sticky. so does anyone have a good recipe for a nice gluten-free dessert?

(in a pinch i can make gluten-free cupcakes, because the grocery store has a decent gluten-free cupcake mix and i still have festive star of david sprinkles. but i'd kind of like a more new year's eve-y option.)

today i saw mockingjay pt 2 - finally - and i think i liked it better than pt 1. i mean, if nothing else it was nice to finally get the end of the story. and it had some fabulously tense scenes. two things: katniss was only ever someone else's pawn, wasn't she. she was only ever someone else's game piece in a game she didn't even want to be playing. if snow wasn't using her as part of the hunger games to keep the districts in line, the rebellion was using her as symbol of their resistance and coin was using her to bolster their propaganda. she was always being moved around and someone was always using her to further their own ends. and the only way she could escape it was to kill coin and get sent home to be forgotten.

i figured a lot of people would die, but i was not expecting finnick. or prim. i was not pleased.

movie: *shows gale*
my sister: i think he's better-looking than his brother.

not that liam hemsworth is entirely unattractive, but his brother's hotter. overall i enjoyed the movie and in any case it got me washed and dressed and out of the house. :D and while i normally go grocery shopping on sundays, i didn't today because i can tomorrow because i have the entire week off. and the only thing i really need to do is finish my holiday project for writing group. well, and buy food. and get the oil changed in my car. and maybe buy a calendar before the year turns. oh, and make dessert for nye. i wonder if i have to get dressed up for that.

on this day in 1935, the first female rabbi was ordained. in berlin. you may or may not be able to guess what happened to her. her papers ended up in an archive in east berlin, and she probably would've remained forgotten except that when the wall came down between east and west germany, the archive became more accessible and people could find the few papers she'd left.

movies, help me obi-flist, historical record, jewstuff

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