i just had lunch! why am i hungry?

Dec 30, 2015 14:59

every year shortly after christmas my sister, my cousin with the four kids, and his sister-in-law and her three kids go see a movie and then have dinner. this is their sixth (!!!) year and also the first year i could actually go ( \o/ ), and we saw in the heart of the sea which wasn't quite what i was expecting, altho i'm not sure what i was expecting. i liked it, tho. i mean, come on, chris hemsworth in period clothes, there is no bad there. :D altho his accent was, uh, let's just say "variable" and leave it at that. (occasionally i thought "maybe you should just stand there and look pretty, and let other people deal with the dialogue.")

movie: *shows chris*
my sister: i still think his brother's hotter.
me: that's ok, i still love you.

the whale effects were really good. and then we went out for chinese food, because of course we did, and i even got to bring some leftovers home. there were enough of us for an adults' table and a kids' table. (two full families, the kids' grandpa, and me and my sister.) and i got to hang out with my cousins, and that's always fun.

before the movie we got a preview for the new tarzan, which i have mixed feelings about mostly because alexander skarsgard looks exceptionally weird all bulked up. it doesn't look right on him.

also! it snowed yesterday morning! and then it was icy everywhere! but there was (frozen, slushy) snow on my car! \o/ \o/ \o/ it might actually be winter now. i mean, i turned my heat back on.

yesterday's 30 days of babble topic was to make a wish, for wendy.

*closes eyes*
*makes wish*
*blows out candles*


the band is getting back together! by which i mean, the sense8 cast all together for what looks like a table read! for s2! very exciting!

aretha franklin at the kennedy center honors, singing (you make me feel like) a natural woman. carole king is just beside herself, and obama is clearly full of feels, and can you blame them? and i love that aretha comes onstage in a full-length fur coat. there are very few performers who can get away with that. but of course she can.

the subterranean cisterns of victorian england - vaulted ceilings and victorian brick as far as the eye can see.

my little trojan pony. SOCUTE.

now i need to put on pants and go buy some bourbon so i can make rum bourbon balls for nye. thank you all for your gluten-free dessert suggestions! the ones that aren't peanutbutter will probably work for passover, actually.

food, aretha franklin, winter, architectural nifty, sense8, movies, family fun, chris built-like-a-brick-shithouse hemsw, cuteness, 30 days of december babble

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