it's too late for me to be hungry and the cupcake icon isn't helping

Nov 11, 2015 01:12

happy (late >.< ) birthdays to ignipes (boys in cages!) and shivering-lance (ninja bridge!). how late can i be before it's a happy unbirthday? :D in any case, this calls for cake! and maybe some sparklers!

dancing boys and girls: *conga!*

did i mention i'm now officially the tax admin at work? because i am. :D people keep asking me how i like it, and i keep telling them that i like it a lot. i'm slowly being trained on stuff, which means every so often someone will mention something i can't do yet, and i keep having to ask it to give me access to something. so it's a lot of "hurry up, wait", but i'm liking it. and apparently tax is really glad to have me. and yesterday there were interns sitting at reception! so i didn't have to! for the first time since last august! excitement! it's all good. :D

on sunday i went to my parents' house to a. have dinner (dad calls and asks if i want to come over for dinner, and i try not to say no when people volunteer to feed me), and b. scan some embarrassing slides. except my dad couldn't find the power cord for the scanner. >.< which means i now have to plug in my scanner and hope i can download a driver for it, so i can actually scan. (it's old.)

i still haven't turned on the heat in my house. i'd ask where my winter is, but i'm pretty sure it's on its way, and soon i'll have more winter than i can stand. but it's almost the middle of november and it should probably be colder than it is.

italian sailors rescue puppy at sea - they pulled her out of the water and dried her off and took her back to shore, where she was reunited with her people.

3-d printed corgis! there's a thorgi. :D and a harry potter corgi. (corgi potter?) you can get them - and a lokitty to go with thorgi - here.

uc santa barbara has an online database of 10k wax cylinder recordings, what people used to listen to before record players. so you can now listen to recordings from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth. they're scratchy as hell - i mean, we're not talking super crisp recordings - but still, popular songs and home recordings and speeches and opera from a hundred years ago. how cool is that?

the american guide series was a series of guidebooks produced during the great depression (it was a federal works project, which was under the auspices of the wpa) (i love the wpa), and which came into existence as a way to employ folks who weren't laborers and couldn't benefit from any of the wpa's construction projects. it was apparently a massive undertaking - it gave work to about 6500 writers and photographers and illustrators and cartographers and editors (some of them already or soon to be famous) at a time when there wasn't a lot of work to be had.

manhattan mail chutes. i just think these are really cool.

still really enjoying supergirl, mostly because kara is so fucking cute and i really like her relationship with her sister. but! the love triangle is predictable and dumb, james and winn posturing and beating their chests over kara is stupid, winn himself has more than a whiff of nice guy (tm) about him, and for a show that's supposed to be about supergirl, there sure is a lot of superman. but but! winn's reaction to finding out that clark kent is superman was adorable, and i mostly like him and james when they're not being all cliched love triangle-y.

also still enjoying izombie, because a. ravi is THE BEST, and b. liv and major are really cute. and i like peyton.

doggie love, corgis, new job second floor, architectural nifty, where's my winter?, historical nifty, psa, beaten by the technology, supergirl, izombie

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