i feel like i missed a birthday. did i miss a birthday?
this morning i had breakfast and a giant cup of tea at the coffeeshop down the street and cranked out 2000 words on my nanonovel. woot. there have been no more hedges (were- or otherwise) but the main character now has a cat. his name is diego rivera and he likes to lick her toothpaste and climb on her while she's doing yoga.
after that i took myself to see crimson peak before it leaves boston. i liked it altho i didn't love it, and i totally get why fangirls would be all over it. i mean, aside from tom hiddleston in period clothes. :D i saw a lot of it coming, which was frustrating, but man did it look good. now that i've seen it i can read all about the house, so if anyone happens to know of any articles or videos or anything about the production design, please share.
the floating-underwater smoke type effects around some of the ghosts - especially thomas at the end - reminded me a lot of the drowned ghost in the devil's backbone. the ghost effects were pretty good overall. hey, i was creeped out. also the dog was adorable. i was completely spoiled for the incest but that didn't ruin anything for me, and in fact i was kind of expecting it to be slightly creepier and slightly more overt. altho it's possible a lot of the subtle stuff was totally lost on me. embarrassing but true.
there was something that made me go "ehh" but i don't remember what it was. clearly it wasn't that terrible. the movie is ripe for some absolutely disturbing gothic fic, that's for sure.
we got the weirdest collection of previews - star wars (scifi), the night before (dumb comedy), the forest (horror), and krampus (holiday horror). at the end of the preview for krampus a girl in the audience started laughing, and then apologized to the theater at large. heh.
i may or may not have followed up on that by spending $34 at the comic shop. no graphic novels or trades, either. $34 of single issues. O.O
there were two black guys with a black pug on the t. they were all very cute. i almost never see dogs on the t, which is why it was notable.
willow the pig enjoys his first pile of leaves. speaking of cute. :D
a bookstore in dc that's open until four in the morning on fridays and saturdays, and i am so glad i didn't know that when i was writing my bigbang this year.